Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Monday, September 06, 2010  

Progress shots

Here is the body of my Shawl Collared Vest (yes. I have decided it is to be a vest, not a sweater) with the short row bust darts knitted in. See how much it slopes upwards on the right hand side? This is one full cable's worth of short rows - 8 rows or 4 pair of short rows. I always have to add extra length down the front so sweaters don't ride up on me.

Here I have put 15 stitches on a holder and cast on 5 steek stitches for armscye which I am informed by a young scholar I know who has spent several years on Scotland ... armz-eye.

On the same row I made the armscye (have to use it now I know how to say it) I also began the decreases for the V neckline.

I knit a little bit more on this and then set it aside to work on a sock I promised to do for Jen at Spirit Trail Fiberworks. I want to get it done quickly so I can take it to her later this month.

So. Knitting is going on apace - this vest is moving so quickly I'm surprised. I believe I just cast on last weekend and here I am working on the second half. It's used about 3.5 skeins so far. Fast project, not much yarn, pretty cables I would say this is a complete winner.

And now it's the end of the last weekend of the summer. May we all enjoy the lovely autumn season.

posted by Bess | 7:11 PM