Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Thursday, September 02, 2010  

Fame and content and Yarn P**N

Oh my! Thanks to Missy C this moribund blog is getting lots of visitors and, alas, I suspect they are all looking for gorgeous photos of kid mohair and silk blend yarns, knit up into drop dead lace shawls and clever patterns using luxurious stash.

Alas - I am under the gun at my Day Job and haven't got a lot to show off. But I do have a bit of yarn porn in the shape of this gorgeous skein of Yarn Goodness from Spirit Trail Fiberworks.

It's one of Jennifer's superwash merino/cashmere/silk blends and it is my first birthday present. Thank You Jen!

If you are a newcomer to TheCastle you will find that I have been a dreadful slacker here for the past year - and in fact, the best posts are between 2003 and maybe early 2005. That's where I introduce you to the Wheat Dolpins - that's where I will take you down the lane that I call my Praying Place - tthat's where the really good cartoons are, including my favorites:

Biker Eclaire

The ThinMint guy (I really did eat a whole sleeve of those darned things, trying to find the mint flavor that the Girl Scout Bakery had left out of my batch of cookies)

Me, surrenduring to Flidas, who had imprisoned all my creativity until I finally figured out how to do those knitted on set-in sleeves:

And my take on the Dream of multiple socks on 2 needles

... and the Reality of it:

I'm glad you stopped by - please say hello - and come back soon - for I am making progress on my Shawl Collared Vest - that Might Get Sleeves.

posted by Bess | 10:55 AM