Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, December 09, 2009  

Those missing pictures

This is the view from Robert's Landing - isn't it stunning? To the immediate left is Farmer's Hall Creek which winds its way up past John Allen's old home site. The next arm of water is Occupacia Creek, which gives its name to to the whole Bay. It goes up past the Bairds, the Ellises and up to Highway 17 eventually. Occupacia is the old Powhatan name for this creek. There is a thin brown line of marsh grass just to the right of the tree, barely visible. That is more Occupacia creek on its way to the river. the next arm of water that stretches to the right to those dark trees is Jacob's Gut - where we live and the bulge on the right is Dividing Creek which is just a little stream that divides our property from Robert's.

This is the wheat field last week - it looks even wetter today. Wherever there is brown there is dead wheat. :(

But when it isn't raining, we have gorgeous views like this walnut tree beseeching the moon as a pink dawn creeps up the sky.

Maybe next time there will be actual knitting content!

posted by Bess | 8:31 AM