Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


I spy with my little eye, a, extraordinary shawl, and red painted toes :)

By Anonymous Audrey, at 9:34 AM  

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009  

7 Diamonds Down, 30 To Go

Thanks everyone for the nice words. This was a progress shot taken Monday night.

Very little progress has been done since then, even though I had a knitting group meeting last night. We never do make much progress on knitting group night anyway. Mostly we have show and tell when we get together. We ought to call this Inspiration Night, because that's really what we get together for. We're all impressed with the other's creativity but lots of our friends sort of roll their eyes at the energy we pour into our fiber related pursuits. Once a month we like to be with people who squeal and stroke and gasp and ask and touch and encourage and advise and admire.

I really want to finish this shawl up now - because there are several big projects I want to jump into this fall so I believe I will have to set up a schedule. One pattern a night on weeknights and 3 each weekend day at a minimum. More is okay but less is not acceptable. Even at that rate I won't finish this baby till the very end of September but that's acceptable. That would still give me time to at least cast on my Shelridge Farm sweater before knuckling down to serious Christmas knitting. Because, my friends, Christmas is only 106 days away. Just have a look here if you don't believe me.

Happy Hump Day to you all.

posted by Bess | 7:46 AM