Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Oooh! I love those cabled socks! Eye of partridge is my favorite heel stitch for yarns with color variations.

The meadow flowers are wonderful. We have the same wild sweet peas out here - pretty to look at, but no scent.

By Anonymous diann, at 10:39 PM  

I have a stand of obedient plant, too. It's just gotten more abundant every year (like my sock yarn supply). I think I'm going to have to impose some harsh discipline. It's disarmingly pretty, though, isn't it?

By Blogger cathy, at 1:46 AM  

I love the color of your socks. We don't see such tender green very often. The flowers are charming :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM  

Your socks are are your flowers! Happy 4th!

By Blogger jane, at 5:21 AM  

Happy 4th of July! Hope you have lots of fun :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:15 PM  

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Monday, June 29, 2009  

Summer of Socks progress and some Garden Photos

Knitting up front this time. I have completed the green cable cuff socks for BH.

Her birthday is July 24 so I'll wait and give them to her then. I really enjoyed this cable pattern but it's too small for my leg. I'd have to put in more stitches.

This is that decorative heel stitch. (I think it's called 'Bird's Eye' or 'Eye of the Partridge') It's very pretty, particularly in these lighter toned handpainted yarns.

BH wears a 6.5 narrow and has slender ankles so these socks are quite small.

I am knitting now on a pair of plain vanilla socks for BD. Beautiful dark blue yarn with a few other dark colors seeping in now and then, adding richness but not changing the overall hue. That is my upstairs sock, though. I may start working on a downstairs sock too.

That is it for knitting, but for your delectation, here are some garden photos. You must keep in mind that I have abandoned my garden for nigh on to 8 years. I had intended to plow it under this spring but a broken finger and lots of rain postponed that task till later.

I was once fond of claiming "I garden with invasive plants", largely because I thought it sounded clever, but also because it was true. I have always had limited funds and even at that I poured $$$ into the ground out back. To fill in the gaps I would let spreaders do their thing among the more prissy perennials. These sturdy things have several things in common. they come back year after year. They're resistant to diseases and insects. And evidently - they are all either lavender pink or vibrant orange:

This stand of ecanacia is a surprise - I had thought they had all died out. The double daylilies were a gift from a woman who used to live around here - I am not sure where she moved but I remember her vividly. She also painted silk scarves.

It took me forever to get sweet peas to grow in the garden but my goodness they have taken over now!

Double daylily - up close and personal.

Horse Thistle - most people would call this a weed - but its blossom is so pretty! I haven't the heart to dig it up.

Phlox - a gift from Penny Dudley lo these many years ago.

Sweet peas up close - alas - these are unscented.

Obedient plant has obediently spread all over the place.

A sweet scented favorite of mine - a native wildflower called Bouncing Bett

Yes. there are other colors of bee balm but this is the one that survives my humid hot summers.

posted by Bess | 7:15 AM