Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, May 22, 2009  

Thank you for the cheering comments!

And emails from those of you who've written that way. BD is home and feeling better every minute. I took yesterday off to be on hand in case and was rewarded with a gorgeous blue sky day when the temperature outside was the same as inside so even if you were lolling around in bed you felt as if you were outdoors. Dogs wandered in and out at will, since I left the doors open. It's a sign of the change in season when they aren't all that anxious to come in if given the opportunity. Only Socks, who believes that her rightful place is on the Big Bed with Daddy, stayed inside all day.

It's now the end of May and my fiscal year at work is almost at an end. There are just a few days past 5 weeks left to wrap up every thing to do with $ at work. I don't know why this always surprises me .... always catches me off guard - but it does and it did and I am going to be scrambling. I believe I will also write out a schedule for next year and see if I can stave off this sensation of cramming and crashing and looming brick wall.

Artistically I am empty - with nary a jot of creativity blossoming. Or dormant. Perhaps that's a better way to say it, for I know there are things bubbling down there, someplace deep inside. But they must wait till all the dootiful stuff is taken care of.

Happily, I get one last fling at idleness starting today at 6. A three day weekend lies before me and I am going to savor every moment of it. May you have a savory Memorial day too.

posted by Bess | 5:54 AM