Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


That is a beautiful idea. I remember lace edged pillowcases that my granny made for my parents. I had them on my bed as a child.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:13 AM  

Such beautiful edgings! I see even more adornment in your future. It seems like the perfect thing to do on a lazy summer day.

By Blogger Unknown, at 1:15 PM  

I know that edging! I recognize it! I've done it to border a place-mate in a much younger era of my life. I've also knit something like it onto a very old shawl pattern...

There's a repetition to it that is very soothing to the soul. It may seem like a slide into the ordinary, but hey -- it may be just what you need to set you up for the week ahead.


By Blogger Margaret, at 9:28 PM  

Great post thanks

By Anonymous Masonry Arlington, at 12:08 AM  

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Monday, February 16, 2009  

More Lace

Hmmm. Blogger and my ISP aren't talking nicely to each other so I'll take this window of opportunity to show off the next-to-the last of the lace samples. I have one more pattern I'm going to finish off - a more complex one - and then that will be it for the lace edging class photos.

I sewed the ecru lace onto one end of the towel - I'm knitting the other lace on - same pattern, same size needles. This goes much slower and I tend to knit more loosely so it's using up more thread. Sewing it on is much easier to plan and to execute. I wouldn't knit it on again, but I'm glad I gave it a try.

I've thoroughly enjoyed exploring this fascinating bit of the knitting craft. I am so glad I sat down and did these bits. I am so wanting a set of elegant bedding now, all trimmed out in my own knitted lace. Sounds like a summer project to me.

Off to visit the parents today - not much time to write and not a lot of inspiration either. After the most est perfect est of Saturdays the rest of the weekend has been a bit of a slide into ordinary.

Guess I've just got the blues.

posted by Bess | 7:05 AM