Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, October 17, 2008  


Well, she does realize it though she tries not to think about it. She wants to keep on knitting on the Adult Surprise Jacket. That's what everyone on Ravelry is calling it so I guess I can too. ASJ is better than ASS, hmmm?

I finally hit the end of the increases on mine and did another gauge check, since this is where you put 3 inches worth of stitches onto holders. Yikes! I thought I'd be getting 5 stitches to the inch and I'm getting much more like 4.25. That means I will have a bigger sweater than I intended. Fortunately it's intended to be a throw-over-everything cardigan, not a fitted shapely thing. I don't know how I got such a different gauge since I did a fairly good sized swatch - but I've been exceedingly relaxed knitting this and of course, it's made up of 10 or more different yarns.

Here's a schematic of what I've done (in black) and what is left to do (in red). Not bad for a garter stitch project. I'm so pleased with how its turned out and how much fun it was to knit I might just knit another right away. I'm intrigued with how the mitered shaping ends just about at the waistline - but of course it's such a boxy shape it would be very loose about the body at the bottom. But I think you could make a really cute bomber jaket shape by putting a deep ribbed hem and cuffs and a collar on.

It all depends on how the shoulders look on me. If it's not too hulking - well - I have just the yarn to try this out on.

Ah there - the day is pushing me into action. Happy Friday to you all. We had the most splendiferous anniversary yesterday. Can't wait till next year.

posted by Bess | 6:11 AM