Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Just think...we shared the same slightly waning moon last night, and we're thousands of miles apart!

Beautiful photos!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:41 AM  

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008  

Morning Stroll

I'm learning how to use the new camera. It's not a lot different from the old, but I'm actually reading the whole manual and trying all the settings, options, and features. So far, I'm just using still shot mode but I'll get the video mode mastered as well. I've spent the $ on this thing, I'm going to get my $ worth of use.

September's full moon is just past, but it's lingering in the morning sky, just outside my front door.

Yup. It's poison ivy but aren't the colors gorgeous. A Virginia colorway for a fair isle sweater?

My favorite colorway in September - the lemony yellow Crown Beard, the deep purple of the Poke Berries and their pinker stems, the tan of old leaves and all the greens of autumn.

My buddies, captured using a high iso but still on auto focus. How about this fog!

Captain Jack, aka White-O, or, as he is here, Wet-O.

The lowering sky of yesterday has fractured into this heavenly blue.

Double Spiderwebs!

Knitting has languished for days now. I don't know why - except that I have been terribly busy and I'm also a little anxious about a coming road trip. Perhaps there will be some shawl knitting tonight.

Happy Hump Day to you all.

posted by Bess | 6:45 AM