Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, September 03, 2008  

Having gotten completely used to being at home with long stretches of dooty free hours, yesterday's return to the reality of income earning was a stretch. Not an onerous one. I have a sweet job. But my brain kept getting Full every hour or so and I'd have to walk around the building to give it time to air out. That's when I noticed the little tree sprouts in the gutter beneath the hackberry tree, so it was a profitable exercise. But straight lengths of productive hours I did not have.

I'm working on a canned demonstration of an Internet product libraries in VA provide the public so I can take it out as part of a dog and pony show.

Once I have all the power point slides I'll have to go into the meeting room and rehearse my spiel using the digital projector. So in my perusal for the perfect sample reference questions for elementary, middle and high school students, I stumbled upon this fun thing, deep in the database bowels:

God I loved word problems when I was a kid. It was the whole purpose for memorizing those tedious multiplication tables. Somehow my little girl soul knew instinctively that the whole reason for arithmatic was to become a better knitter. Elizabeth Zimmermann's EPS is nothing but one grand word problem. Too bad more knitters don't teach math, hmmm? Better knitters, better fiber dyers, better quilters, oh thank heaven for math word problems.

Let us hope I can convey this in my demo. What I shan't be doing is trusting to someone else's network, running on rural high speed access to not let me down. I have sat bored silly through so many live demos of internet searching while the info packets crashed into each other somewhere out on a phone line and shut down the computers, waiting and waiting for something to happen on the screen. I'm going to be sucking up valuable after school time belonging to hard working teachers. I want them to like this product, and use it! Once I've shown them how the databases work I'll turn them loose on their own computers to have a look around. My purpose is to whet their appetites, not to hold their hands through the research labyrinth.

This is a serious important reference tool that all VA libraries provide to the public and it's been around for a goodly long time – 6, 7 years? - I'm not sure, but long enough that smarter, wiser, more energetic folk have probably put together their own canned presentation. It's just that I haven't found one yet to steal. So, like the little red hen, I'm doing it myself.

It's a good project to play with while I wait for what I'm really wanting – my polymer clay order and my new camera. Mmmm. Hope there will be good pictures soon – of mohair lace and orange lace with beads and cute little clay bowls made out of spiral canes and faux jade carved by TheQueen. Not wishing my life away, but mmm mmm, anxious for treats to arrive.

Happy hump day to you all.

posted by Bess | 5:36 AM