Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, August 15, 2008  

Whoopee! Friday at last. Not just any Friday, either, but a Friday that puts a period to Summer Busy-ness at last. We have a Friends of the Library luncheon today with former governor Linwood Holton as guest speaker, talking about his recently published memoirs: Opportunity Time.

(I think whoever designed this cover ought to be fired! What a color for a book Yuck!)

After that, although I don't get any time off from work, all I have to do at work is library maintenance stuff. And it's not true about the lack of time off either. I'm taking Wednesday afternoon off to go play with L&L.

But the Big Deal Stuff of Summer will be over sometime around 2 o'clock today. This weekend I expect to cast on that triangular shawl once again and see how far I get with it. And the yarn is called Wagtail. I called Angel at On The Lamb. It comes in all sorts of colors and in 2 weights. And it is a joy to knit with.

I'm also going to sit down with the Fimo clay I finally got my hands on and make some Fun Things. Maybe beads. Maybe buttons. Can't wait for Sunday. (guests are coming over on Saturday for swimming and picnics)

Alas, my camera is not talking to any usb ports any more. I am hoping that this means it wants a new cable. But I am also about ready to buy a New Camera and pass this one on to someone I know who needs one. But in the mean time, TheQueen is going to be pretty heavy on the text.
Ha! and I see she had better get going if she plans to take the dogs out for a walk. So. Happy Friday to you all.

posted by Bess | 7:00 AM