Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Glad that you're starting to feel better. We'll be looking forward to seeing that orange lace shawl with the beads! Sounds lovely.

By Blogger cathy, at 12:46 AM  

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008  

Can you cope with a prolonged period of comparative prosperity? That's not necessarily a silly question. You're often most at ease when you're striving for something. Even though the sky is not about to give you all you have ever wanted, it's set to take away some of the tension and urgency you have lately been experiencing. Over the next few days and weeks you may lose a little of that 'hungry edge' which usually keeps you going. Your next big challenge is more likely to involve remembering how to relax

This was Monday's advice from Mr.Horoscope which was followed up with a diagnosis from Dr.DoogieHoward of acute frontal sinus infection, followed by instructions to stay home a couple more days. And Wash My Hands Frequently. And here are pills to help with infection, nausea and headaches. And yes, it's normal to sleep 18 hours a day when you are fighting infection. Which, actually I knew, only usually when you do that you get better and I wasn't getting better. I needed the big antibiotic artillery.

Thank you all, for your kind get well posts, though, and emails too. It does feel good to start feeling good again.

I'm still a little listless but my sleep cycle is all out of whack. I have also watched every movie in the house, including White Christmas and Independence Day – forgot that was my crush, Will Smith, who played the fighter pilot. And just about finished knitting my orange lace shawl with green beads. The beads are what's taking so long, because I had to un-string them and now I'm adding them with the crochet hook instead. A slower process but in a way pleasant. I've enjoyed this project so much I'm a little reluctant to see it come to completion. I also cast on another lace triangle out of that blue silk I was struggling with last winter. Altogether, this has been the lace cure.

A camera cable ought to show up in the mail in a day or two and if that turns out to have been the problem, I'll have photos by the end of the week. In the mean time, think rain for us. The corn was harvested and the beans can still bounce back if we get some this week.

Back to bed for me, now. Ta.

posted by Bess | 5:31 AM