Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Sending good vibes for moving Mama right back to you!

By Blogger Catherine, at 9:10 AM  

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Saturday, May 17, 2008  

Staff has had their first training on the new software and they'll be back today for self-study and to put away all the books that have piled up in the book drop the past 3 days. They're to put special emphasis on dealing with fines and overdues since we're having a fine free week next week. For the most part, they like this new software a little bit better than the old program. I also see that they're stimulated to pay attention because they're working with something new. They're energized and a little excited.

I understand the feeling – I feel it too, though I'm still stumbling all over the back room stuff, like getting the machine to read patron barcodes, when it happily reads the item barcodes. I got a help desk guy yesterday who not only didn't know how to solve the problem, but couldn't keep the exasperation – and disdain – out of his voice as he worked on his last call of the week. He kept telling me what my problem was – which I already knew – and not telling me how to solve it. I knew ...I could sense when he no longer knew the answer but didn't want to admit it to me nor ask for help from higher up. He did at last and the answer isn't pretty but it's still an answer. At least I didn't “feed” the answer to him.

Have you guessed? I'm probably going to have to reenter every patron barcode in the system. Reenter, as in type each one individually.

Off now to move Mama to her new digs. Be back sometime tomorrow. Ta.

posted by Bess | 6:56 AM