Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Hooray for more spinning! :-)

By Blogger Mary, at 9:37 AM  

Just before I dash off to fold laundry, I'd like to say that your yarn is gorgeous all lined up like that. Beautiful spinnings!

By Blogger zippiknits...sometimes, at 5:40 PM  

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Friday, March 07, 2008  

This has been a stressful week, mostly because I haven't felt focused and there was a lot of work to do. The work got done and I don't think there is anything onerous on the schedule today. I suspect the stress is because I haven't been exercising and I believe my body is so offended it has decided if it can't feel good, the rest of me can't either. I am not one of those people who doesn't like exercise. I love it. My only issues with exercise have to do with time. I also like to:

come home before dark
play with fiber crafts
have a clean house
read books
watch good movies
cook – as opposed to prepare 10,000 meals
And then there is the job
Oh, and the blog of course.
Oh yeah – and then – I don't live alone. BirthdayBoy likes companionship too.

So when do I exercise? I know I always feel better for exercise. I am always shocked that I quit doing something that makes me feel better. But from time to time, I do quit, and this winter was one of those times. Sigh. Time to reverse that bad behavior. Let us hope, then, that the coming week is not only stress free, but sweat eee.

This week I tampered with the jar yet again, because a BIRTHDAY is coming up at the end of the month and SOMEBODY asked for “anything you knit”. Now – I know HusbandSpeak and I know that means:

No sweater, you already made me one
No vests (no time for that anyway)
Any color at all, as long as it's blue

I also knew that two of the slips in the jar say:

The two ** mean I have 2 weeks to knit them, which is a good thing since I had to order some guy colored blue sock yarn this week. I won't be going near a yarn shop any time soon and all my sock yarn is NotBlue colored. That yarn ought to be here by Monday so I can cast on then and in the mean time, hmmmm. Wonder what other lovely roving I have buried in the stash?

La – how does the early morning fly by so fast.

Gratuitous photos of birdthoughts and more spinning.

posted by Bess | 7:33 AM