Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Sunday, November 11, 2007  

Whew. I slept 9 hours straight last night – 7 is my usual and sometimes I wake up in the midst of that – but the pressure was off yesterday, I drifted off to sleep in my chair after dinner, woke up, took a soaky bath and went to bed at 8:30.

I am officially finished with responsibilities.

Well. No. That's not true. Responsibilities abound in any life and besides, we're moving into the prime holiday season. I just feel like everything I have to do now is easy to do, will get done quickly, is something I've done before and will be fun. And I feel like there will be weekends that unroll like a ball of yarn dropping from your lap – with no kittens about to tangle it up. Yes. I plan to knit. And watch the new episodes of Vicar of Dibbley and take a long walk in the autumn golds. Blissfully.

The Friends dinner on Friday night was a success on every front except the WW points – since the restaurant threw in the most decadent and delicious appetizers – bacon wrapped scallops - I did unwrap mine, and crab balls that melted in your mouth – guy sized crab balls – I counted them at 3 points each and I ate two. The Antiques Roadshow was like a big party at the library – which is my favorite use of the library. We already had a lovely art exhibit in the meeting room so the place looked elegant, and so many folk who never come in at all were there yesterday. Several people who brought in an antique to be appraised were so excited they called husbands or wives or sisters to bring in something else. Everything about it was fun and dozens of people begged us to do it again. We didn't really wrap things up till nigh on to 4 o'clock.




It was fun.

Glad it's done.

I came home to the two happiest men in the world.

Tomorrow I will have a Finished Object to share. Hooray for TheQueen.

posted by Bess | 7:07 AM