Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


That was fun, driving to the post office and back for you. I never knew that about bayberry candles.

I think I may have a very similar, if not the exact same model of sewing machine as you. At least the case appears to be identical.

By Blogger Mary, at 10:45 AM  

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007  

This is a short week for me – I am off this afternoon to a Richmond trip that will involve a yarn store and again on Friday to do family stuff. While there on Friday I'll perform my Halloween story program where Mama lives. This will be a freebee dress rehearsal for the paid performance I'll be doing on Saturday. There's a little less pressure on you when you're performing for free, but there's still that slight tension of having an audience before you. The most important thing, though, is for me to hear my own voice saying the words I want to say. I'll be leaving out the one shriek-value story that I'll be telling the children on Saturday and the craft project. I think that the craft project at the end might become my identifying tag, although, I certainly want my story telling to be the memorable part.

The ManWithTools comes back today to finish up those book shelves, so last night BD and I emptied the ones upstairs. MWT is using the boards that made up those shelves to make these shelves. The bed is supposed to go where those shelves stood. Sigh. It's all so wonderful – to start getting things squared away. And yes, Mary, I actually planned to load my library onto one of those programs. I don't think it's anal at all, just time consuming.

Actual knitting progress is taking place.

Only 8 more inches to go.

And here is an old before picture
and an after shot

More to follow. But isn't it neat the way MWT's do such clever things. Notice how he cut away the wood by the door, where the lightswitch is?

Oh! and Here is the drive home slideshow, just in case you were curious.

posted by Bess | 7:30 AM