Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Tuesday, September 04, 2007  

if a symptom can be successfully suppressed without undue side-effect - perhaps there is no need to identify the root! And a cure, no matter how efficacious, is unlikely to be appreciated unless it has an impact on the superficial manifestation. Never mind the theory behind a problem today. Just apply a solution that works.
Hmmm. From MrHoroscope. Probably a good idea, since I left the library on Friday with something that needed curing but at whose root cause I shall never be able to get – nor am I inclined to make an attempt. I'll just get on with getting on. And go to WW tonight because I haven't been all August and the scales are groaning and the waistband is straining. And though I am happy enough when I look in the mirror, that is not because I look so great but because I have such a monumental ego (and a magic mirror that takes 10 lbs off you when you look into it – got it from a bunch of dwarfs and their tall girlfriend) that, like zaphod beeblebrox – I can get pretty complacent about myself.

Three arms, two heads, and one big ego

My lovely weekend is over and I came to completion over those kitchen cabinets. Every one of 'em is sparkly clean. No dust, no gunk of years, no unwanted objects, unless you count that little bamboo steamer, which I only kept because we just bought a big bamboo steamer, so it seemed kind of mean to separate them. If I haven't used it by the next time I clean kitchen cabinets I will send it down to the goodwill – where I shall be going this morning to unload the 4 boxes of useless to me stuff. Hallelujah!

But here's proof that I really did knit over the weekend. Here is the unisex sock, knit to man's proportions, that will be available as a pattern from Spirit Trail Fiberworks at the Fall Fiber Festival in Montpelier, come the first weekend in October.

Yup. Looks like a formal fingerless glove at this moment.

Here's the back – sorry it's so dark, but note the lighter yarn stripe. That's where I'll be putting in the afterthought heel. I'd hoped to have this all knit up by today but those cabinets took a lot longer to clean than I'd planned. But I shall be done with them by the end of the week.
And now it's Monday – thank goodness it's really Tuesday! Ta.


posted by Bess | 7:47 AM