Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Monday, September 10, 2007  

I just love this new spacious room of ours. I can't seem to leave it. I spent almost all day yesterday in it - on the computer, knitting on the couch while BD read to me, just walking around looking at the ceiling. This has always been my favorite room and this is the first time I've ever been able to use it – in 26 years!!

While BD was building the house I'd find myself coming out to this room and just standing around, feeling good. It was intended as the master bedroom and the reason there's a door and staircase in the far southwest corner is because I didn't want to have to go through the kitchen to get upstairs to care for all the sick crying babies. Alas, I never had any more babies. Happily the one I had never got sick. So the staircase, while useful for other ingress and egress, was never needed by NurseQueenie.

But since I was impatient to move into the house – and did so before it was finished – after all – there was an extra bedroom upstairs, so we didn't have to move the big table saw or any of the other construction material working usefully in my FutureMasterBedroom . I was sick and tired of all my friends getting to sleep in the New House but not me. So the FMB remained the workshop for the next year or so, and then BD used it for Other Things and then Grandma moved in with us and needed her own room so we divided this big gracious room into a teeeeeeny cramped office for BD and a larger room for Grandma. She moved out in 1997 and we turned her room into a little den for watching videos on the television and for piling up boxes of yarn and fibers. I designed my dream wall of cabinets but somehow, none of the carpenters around here seemed inclined to build it for me. This was good, though. This was one of those times when resistance was fortunate. Obviously a wonderful fiberfairy godmother was looking out for me, because of course, I need a whole studio, not just a wall of cabinets and shelves. Thank heaven for fiberfairy godmothers!

Once again, prompted by another family member's needs, we have finally gotten our act together with the house, and the results are delightful. In fact – the only reason I'm writing this is because I don't want to leave my beautiful spacious favorite room and go get dressed for work. Well – the blog is also a bit of a diary for me. You do not need to read this but if you have well, obviously, you're a real friend and are rejoicing with me in my happy good fortune.

I love you right back!

Off to the city today for a library meeting and spending the night with sister. How will I ever do without my lovely lovely room? Be back late on Tuesday for WW and Knitting. Oh – best pack that stuff up too, then. Hmmm?

Happy Monday to you all.

posted by Bess | 8:35 AM