Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Sunday, July 22, 2007  

Not a Harry Potter Spoiler.

Just a word or two to say I think Rowling wrapped everything up nice and cleverly. Most people will like the ending. She won’t have to write any more HP books but she could if she wanted to. She closed the door, but she didn’t lock it. There were no surprises, no sudden character revelations that shifted your prejudices, and no disappointments, either. She did a good solid job and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

I also stayed up into the wee hours to do so. And I read all day yesterday as well, so I didn’t get a lick of housework done .... no. I did get a lick, and a swipe, but only so as to keep the dust dragons at bay, for they’ve been slashing their tails up above the baseboards and dressers for a week now. Today a real housecleaning must be done or I shall become depressed.

The Dr. gives BD encouragement about his eye, but he’s got to lie about on his right side half the day. We don’t go back to again till next weekend. You just have to love a doctor who has Saturday hours. But the instructions are - No Sailing and No Swimming for 2 weeks. Maybe, just maybe, BD will be cleared for the river in time for TheReunion, but no promises.

Well. That’s the way it is. We couldn’t have gardened this year either. I have seen the drought get worse than it is right now - but it’s just mid-July - plenty of time for it to do so again. We’ve driven through Hanover County (pronounced HHHah nova) enough times this summer to see the truth, and the results, of scattered showers. The grass is green in peoples’ lawns. The corn is tall and straight and just beginning to get that ripened look. There are no yellow poplar leaves, no red black gum leaves and no orange sassafras leaves. They look like July. We look like - well. We look like disaster relief. You can almost hear the 2 inch soy bean plants crunch as the little animals scurry across the fields. So. I am thinking Rain and even Hurricane with minimum winds, say or a long slow northeaster. And seeing the little plants go Ahhhhhh as the ground soaks up wetwetwet. And trees! The trees. Seeing them relax into emerald splendor.

Tomorrow I get together with Sister, Dad, and financial planner. Sister is still trying to find a place for him to move. Dad suddenly doesn’t want to move to the Stony Point location and she’s actually glad about that. But he’s making more and more emotionally charged, franticly foolish decisions. So far, only a few of them have been costly, but we want to see that he doesn’t do too many more dumb things with his money. There’s certainly enough for both Mom and Dad, but that doesn’t mean he won't fritter it all away in a flailing attempt to prove that he can make decisions for himself. We want to get as much of the $ stuff on autopilot as we can.

In the mean time, I have this delicious day ahead, with low humidity and no reason to hop in the car and drive down the road. Hope your Sunday is full of good Sundayish things; strong spirit, love, good food, and good knitting.

posted by Bess | 7:14 AM