Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


I seem to recall some pretty peacock pottery at a shop we visited in Tappahannock. Perhaps you need to run back and buy it?

And peacock colors -- don't even get me started. Just take a look at my stash....

By Blogger Mary, at 11:30 AM  

Oh, I can see it too, as you described it - the wall, the shelf - perfect! What is it about peacock colors? My stash is full of 'em too.

By Blogger Catherine, at 5:51 AM  

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Friday, June 29, 2007  

So. I didn't lie -because I had no idea I'd have this wee bit of time to post today. Since I do, though, here is a picture of my Studio Talisman. What? Not a sheep? Not angora bunnies? Nope. Of course, I might find a way to knit peacock lace or to spin peacock feathers into yarn, but what really got me was the color, which, in real life, is a more luminous peacock blue. And it's shape, all sinuous and soaring at the same time. And it is one of the very few things I've seen, out shopping, that made my mouth water and unleashed a visceral urge to reach-out-and-hold bubble up right from my toes. But it was the color first. Because I can see it on an off-white painted shelf against the backdrop of a peach colored wall. On the west wall where the fireplace will be. Just a little happy swoopy curve of peacock blue and teal green with a wink of orange and yellow that whispers of swinging hammocks and green lawns and time to play. That's a lot to get from a bit of clay burnt hard in a kiln.

Getting ready to turn the heel on the first of BD's Regia sock. I've switched to smaller needles for the sole stitches. But it's just a Regia sock yarn in brown and white stripes. It's .. it's just a sock. Not worth a photo.

But there. I will photograph the Christmas Sock Yarns over the weekend and post them on Monday. Un-knit, of course, but selected, at least.

posted by Bess | 8:49 AM