Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Is it the interchangeable circulars that are coming apart, or their regular (non-interchangeable) circulars? That's a shame either way, but I did buy several sets of the latter, so that I can attempt knitting socks on two circulars. I suppose if I like the method but hate the needles, I can upgrade to Addis. I wonder if I'd prefer the regular Addi Turbos or the Addi Turbo Laces needles for doing socks on 2 circs...? You'll have to share your thoughts on that....

By Blogger Mary, at 6:04 PM  

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Monday, June 04, 2007  

It drizzled all day long and I sat in the den watching movies and old television on DVD and knit socks. Ripped projects and knit socks, rather. I finished the commissioned socks and diddled a bit with the pattern. Then I picked up my Tilli Tomas yarn - the bronze green silk I got at MS&W and knit a few rounds on it before deciding it was monumentally too big and ripped the whole thing out. I have an idea about what I want to make with this yarn, but I need to learn more about the properties of knitted silk.

I had this experience with knitting cotton once and have never again been tempted to make a garment out an inelastic yarn. Mind now, I really would like to own a hand knit silk summer top. I’d like it to have been made by me. But sheesh! I knit a bunch of gauge swatchs, settled on 6 stitches to the inch and I wanted 40 inches around - it ought to have been easy to figure out, right? 240 stitches. Which once knit up, stretched so wide it fitted something closer to 48 inches or ... I just don’t know what. But when I took the knitting off the needles yesterday, and pulled it over my head - ugh I could have worn that ring of silk knitting as a shoulder wrap and still have had room to stretch.

Figuring ease and gauge and my own style/comfort zone is going to be a challenge, but this yarn is so beautiful - such a Queen-ish color - I have to master this. I’ll do some research and I’ll do some more knitting and I may go window shopping to look at clothes that fit (and look good) that are made of a similar fiber, yarn, and construction. Then I’ll try again.

Since I was watching the videobox all day, I switched to sock knitting once I’d wound up all that lovely silk. Started a pair of Christmas gift socks - plain guyish flat ribbed things that can be knit without counting or watching the needles. They’ll probably be BD’s, since he is currently relegated to store socks - adequate, but uninspiring and lacking that delightful spring that hand knit socks offer.

Oddly enough, I’m making these from Regia and on #3 needles and I’m surprised at how my attitude has changed about using #3 needles. I’ve knit most of my socks on #3’s and been very pleased with them - and used plenty of Regia yarn too. And they wear well for me and look tight and snug and satisfying. But lately I’ve been knitting with #2 needles and springier yarn and now my standard sock feels so loose and cheesy. I will continue on the cuff with these Guy Socks as I’ve begun (because I’ve ripped enough this weekend) but I think I’ll switch to #2’s when I get to the foot. Too bad, though, since I have lots and lots of #3 needles but only a few pair of #2’s and they are already in sock ideas at the moment - or on hold for the Next Project.

Well - after we pay the property taxes and the car insurance and buy the new tires and oh yes, the flute repair bill .... well I suppose sometime in August - I will buy some more size #2 needles.

And as a little caveat - they will probably NOT be KnitPicks circular needles. Of the first 3 circular needles I’ve bought, one had a defective tip that flew off all the time and finally flew away too. The second needle’s cable has developed a snag in it that catches my yarn. Cheap price, cheap manufacturing. I’ll stick with my tried and true favorite Addi’s.

posted by Bess | 7:33 AM