Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


You're still in my prayers, and those of my prayer group. God Bless. Have a wonderful, fiber-filled week.

By Blogger Mary, at 10:01 AM  

Dearest Bess,
Been thinking about you & your family - sending lotsa of love & light to you all.

By Blogger Marfa's Mewsings, at 7:39 PM  

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007  

Well my loves. The news out of Richmond is that my dad went ballistic when he found he had to give 5 days notice to get out of rehab or Medicare wouldn’t pay for his stay. He said, in such shamefully colorful words I could not reproduce them here, that he’d gladly pay $1,000 to get the aich out of there. Mama was on the phone with tremors in her voice. I have wrung a promise from sister that if they don’t hire a night nurse and she gets a call at 2 a.m. she will not drive over to their house and take them to the hospital. She will call 911 and go back to sleep. (Well, she won’t, unfortunately, but tough love is needed here.) This is budget week for me with a big class to teach on Saturday. If I get a call from CWJ hospital that "this is the big one ‘Lizabeth" - I’ll go over there. But if they’re just in a nasty bind, they will have to get themselves out of it. I actually know how much $ my daddy has and if he won’t "giiiit uhp offitt" then he can just lay down on it.

No. I haven’t done any knitting. I pick up the needles and then put them down. I am just not able to focus. The materials for my kits for Saturday’s classes came in, though. They’re at the post office and I’ll pick them up on the way into work. I hope if I fondle them as I assemble the packages, I will be inspired. I did find the sample bits and pieces I’d knit up. Now it’s just a matter of sewing them together. I have 5 hours to teach these ladies. I hope they’ll have two finished projects to take home.

Ahh yes. Yes. Seeing smiling faces on happy students - in my mind’s eye - is such a balm of a vision. Must remember. Fill head with only beautiful things.

You do the same, my wonderful friends.

posted by Bess | 7:45 AM