Like The Queen Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content. |
Well now, that wasn't so bad, was it? This looks just like your old home to me.
Well, glad to see it went smooth as clockwork for you (the move to Blogger Beta, that is). I've been hearing that from a lot of people - that lately, now that the bugs seemed to have been ironed out, it's been painless and somewhat invisible, unless/until you start fooling with your template. I suppose I should stop dragging my feet and make the move myself.
Some of my small project blogs wouldn't move before they kept telling me there were too many errors in my blogs (?!) and then when they forced me to move it was no problem. Sort of sad that I lost my previous username, though. Subscribe to Post Comments [Atom] Sunday, February 11, 2007 I have switched to new blogger. Can you tell? Yeah. What I thought. I had such a bad time a few months ago, when I switched to the New Beta Hotmail and then couldn't access my email on our (blush) windows98 DIMM memory motherboard rebuilt rebuilt (rebuilt) computer on dial up. So when Blogger started begging me to try their New Beta Blogger well. Thanks but no thanks. And when C said she was told her blog was too big and she couldn't move it over to the New & Improved Better Beta Blogger - well. Well. Whell! I wasn't tempted. I knew sooner or later they were going to make me move. Yesterday they closed my back door. Today I switched. Let us hope it takes. They assure me everything moved. And how is TheKipFee? It is at the snipping stage. I decided to machine sew the steeks because I chickened out at the last moment on crochetting them. Also, I have to cut out some of the neckline. I haven't snipped because I want to resew around the neckline just to make it tidier. I experimented around with pickup ratios and direction. Sometime today I'll get out my trusty scissors, snip away and pick up those stitches. Photos tomorrow. posted by Bess | 7:42 AM |