Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Oh, I envy your clear skies, lack of city lights and unobstructed western views! Could you see the Milky Way?

I adore astronomy. And not just the cold science of it. The more wonders Hubble reveals about the universe, the more marvelous its Creator becomes to me. If it weren't for all the hard math, (physics -- eek!), I might have made that my life's work....

By Blogger Mary, at 11:32 AM  

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Sunday, February 04, 2007  

Ahh well. I ended up ripping out the last colorwork pattern after all. There was a bit of a gap between the next to the last body stitch and the last, sleeve-cap-eating body stitch, caused when I switched colors between them and I really didn’t like it. I thought I could snug it up by pulling on the floats but I ended up with hideous loops in back that I couldn’t spread out along the other stitches further into the body. So I ripped, and by the time I got those rows re-knit my eyes were bleary and I never got around to the easy knitting solid color short row bit. But I shall prevail today. There is nothing on the schedule today but knitting.

Interestingly, I knit all the colorwork with my left hand tension. It was still dreadful, but not as bad as it was the first time. I’m eve a bit glad I had the chance to practice blind stranding. I'm that much better prepared to do the fronts and I’d sure hate for any clumsy knitting to sit on the front of this pretty sweater.

But mostly yesterday was a drag around the house day. I have been having trouble with my back - the injury I suffered in 05 surfacing. I finally went to the dr. and he gave me muscle relaxants and they tend to pretty much relax the whole being. I was tired. I was cranky. I took naps and went to bed early. But not before experiencing the most wonderful moment of awareness.

BD, among his many talents, is a bit of an astronomer. He has two large telescopes and on clear evenings he’s likely to haul one of them or the other out to the field for your viewing pleasure. Last night was just such a clear one and there was something really worth viewing in the early evening sky. Mercury, that Virgo ruling planet, was at maximum elongation to the sun which means it was visible to the naked eye. Venus too was well up in the sky and for the very first time I could really see the solar system. See it and feel it.

Oh. I’ve seen the vivid drawings representing the solar system and I’m sure I built one in elementary school. The D’s even painted a proportional distance solar system on the floor one year when I was upstairs with the flu. But it never seemed like it was intrinsically true to me or even of any import. Okay. So. If we accept that there is a solar system and if we accept that those are not stars, but planets, well, yes, that’s probably how they’d line up. I am perfectly willing to accept the truth of the scientific teachings even if I don’t really feel that they are true. Most of them, while obviously vital to my existence, don’t really make themselves known to me. Their truth is at once both too fundamental and too subtle for me to really know it. I must just accept it. At least long enough to pass the exam.

But to stand here in the stubble of my corn field and look to the west and see bang, bang - two planets headed towards the sun as it sinks just below the horizon - well now. That’s something. That’s real. That’s just about the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen in a night sky.

Pretty cool, hm? It will still be visible tonight, though Mercury is small and moves swiftly. If it’s clear in your back yard, or wherever you have a bit of a westerly vista, go out and look, just as the orange shawl of sunset settles onto the shoulders of the earth. The big star looking thing will be Venus and if you look down towards 4 o’clock, the first "star" you see will be Mercury. And you will know that you really are in a solar system.

Then go back inside to knit - for it’s cold as blue blazes out there.

posted by Bess | 7:18 AM