Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


How funny -- thanks for including us in your reverie as your mind darts from one topic to another! That never happens to me!

Love the Holly House. I have a holly that's tall and skinny and dying because of shade and drought, but maybe I'll spare it from the axe, if it will turn into something like the one you depict.

By Blogger Mary, at 4:16 PM  

:)Speaking of Christmas movies, I already started off the season by watching White Christmas (on my birthday, no less!!)
Watch yours in good health!

By Blogger Carolyn, at 8:21 PM  

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Thursday, November 30, 2006  

Oh! Tomorrow is December 1!!!

Official First Day of the Christmas Season here at TheCastle.

Now, Christmas is one of those enormous amorphous nebulous things that can thrill, disappoint, crush, delight, exhaust, sweep, or uplift a soul. It just all depends. It depends on your health; on your income; on your state of mind or your state of marriage. Mostly, it depends on where you are on your quest.

For the most part, I LoveChristmas. I love the smells. I love the stories. I love the opportunity to shop, a lot. I adore the music.

* * * * * * * * *

Well. How about that. I was here gushing all over the paper (metaphorical digital pixel paper) and multi-tasking like I a good ENFP and reading other people’s blogs and I just sort of slammed to a halt. Whatever inspiration that was in me dried up like a Virginia Garden in July. (still wet, you know, with humidity, but dead dried out too)

I don’t know what I was going to talk about ... maybe Christmas movies. Yeah. I’m going to order in all my favorites, that aren’t already in the library collection, from NetFlix and drive poor DH crazy.

Well. Blankmindedness abounds today. Let me see if I can dig up a photo or two. (cop out blogging, hmm?)

Okay - in honor of Christmas, here is my favorite Christmas place. It’s a giant holly tree down in a little hollow on the Ellis’ place, along Farmer’s Hall Creek. Because it’s sheltered on all sides it’s grown taller than any holly I’ve ever seen and it is always covered in berries. It’s so tall that it’s lower branches start about 15-20 feet up its trunk and bend down to the ground so it forms a little playhouse.

I don’t know why I didn’t take a picture of it front on, but this is what it’s like inside the Holly House.

Happy December Eve to you all.

posted by Bess | 7:41 AM