Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


I'm so excited for you!

I've decided that if I ever want a moebius wrap, I'll just knit a rectangle with some kind of provisional cast-on, twist it, and then graft the two ends together. I can't imagine needing the moebius cast-on for more than one project -- my attention wanders so easily to the next thing I want to try.

That being said, I look forward to reading about your class and the entire weekend's adventures. Have a great time next week!

By Blogger Mary, at 2:15 PM  

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Friday, November 03, 2006  

No photos today. I’ve done some knitting on the KipFee sleeve but not enough to justify a photograph. There will be Real Progress on Monday. I hope to be well the first sleeve (since the one I’m working on is sleeve #2). That will involve a little bit of ripping. That one, if you remember, is the one with the dull brown and black cuff. Looking at the cuff edging the 13.5 inches of sleeve already knit, I wish I’d made it a checkerboard stripe instead of plain. But there will be no backtracking now. Not this far along. It will be good enough and that’s that.

I’m off to the city today, to more doctors, for BD this time. This means lots of riding time and waiting time (and knitting time). I’ve decided to leave the KipFee home when I go to the retreat next week. It’s a LOT of yarn to haul around, and concentrated knitting to do - exactly the sort of thing you mess up when you knit in a distracted state. And it’s a kit. you can see what it looks like by looking at the catalog or a web site. Instead, I’ll take sock yarn. If I were honest I’d take one ball of sock yarn because that’s all the sock knitting I’m likely to get done. But I am just enough of a self deceiver to imagine I’d knit more than one pair of socks at a retreat where I’m taking 2 Classes with Projects.

I bought the yarn and needles and book by Cat Bordhi to knit that fabulous felted knitting bowl with the mobius rim last year at the Knitting Sisters in Williamsburg. I never could get past the first half of the cast on and the project languished. Since she herself will be teaching me how to do this thing next Thursday I’ll take all that project along. I don’t want a mobius scarf. I want that knitter’s bowl.

And I’ll take along the other class supplies. And yes. I will take a little fiber for spinning because I must not buy fiber...I must not buy fiber...I must not buy fiber. But that’s about all I plan to haul up to New York. I know me. I will be excited and yammering and here’n’there and all over the place emotionally. No point in taking a bunch of stuff I wont use and might loose.

I’m getting just a little excited about the trip. Another gloomy, off the wall phone call from mama yesterday cast some shadows over my landscape but nothing that prompts me to stay home yet. Well. Stay at her house or her bedside or whatever. And solid as a rock sister is there next week. Stressed, of course, but not beyond her fair share of it. Yet.

Mostly I am easy with it all. Whatever happens I know I’ll dance my way over the rocks in the stream, not splash into the deep holes.

So good knitting to you all - and good dreams as well!

posted by Bess | 7:18 AM