Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Love the glimpse of your spinning wheel. And love those chairs in the picture. And of course, that stunning sweater. May I suggest that when you're doing the finishing that you sew in a little GPS device so that it'll never get misplaced, because that would be a tragedy!

By Blogger Mary, at 12:17 PM  

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006  

Here I am playinig with the NewDigitalCamera - a gift from M who spent the morning with me showing me fine points and tips. Poor you guys! I promise - sooner or later I'll get cavalier about this but right now I'm going photo wild! And that weird optical illusion going down the center is the steek. Sorta makes you dizzy doesn't it?

So - this is what's going on with the KipFee sweater. I've stopped working on the body.

Instead, I'm working on cuffs. Sigh. This poor thing looks so dull and flat - on such a vivid sweater. I've put it on a holder and am working on the other cuff, experimenting with some brighter colors within that brown band. I've decided to go with red and gold (see photo below) and have actually knit some more of that cuff. Alas - the battery went dead before I could snap that photo but I'll put up More Pictures as progress occurs.

posted by Bess | 4:13 PM