Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


I must admit I love back-less shoes, otherwise known as clogs or slip-ons or whatever. My favorites right now, until it gets too cold to wear them, are Crocs, (or faux Crocs -- Gators), and they fit my foot perfectly and do not require toe-clenching to keep them on. If toe-clenching is necessary, then they're too big.

By Blogger Mary, at 5:24 PM  

Hi Bess,
Miss you, luv ya. I just had to respond to your post from saturday...
I have to agree with Mary, I love the look of a backless nice fitting shoe (Mule). I just purchased the most comfortable pair of shoes that have ever been on my feet, seriously!! They are made by Softt and are like walking on warm cloud's, no toe clenching whatsoever and I have had more compliments on them then I can count. As to Capri's or cropped sis wears them and looks fabulous. But then she is tall and has great leg's! I myself am short, have big legs and ankles and look terrible in them. Now the returning fashion trend that I really dislike are the Leggings...who woulda thought they would ever come back.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 PM  

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Saturday, October 14, 2006  

Goodness! I never intended to just drop out of blogland. But Thursday my home connection to the internet was so slow I couldn’t even open up hotmail and then I was off to the 2-day library directors meeting in Richmond. It was good to get back in touch with the Virginia library world after such a steeping, last weekend, into my fiber world. Most of these folk haven’t seen me since April, at the last directors meeting in Graves Mt. I am far less visible in the statewide community in the 00’s than I was in the 90’s. I’ll admit, there was a quirky kind of fun in mystifying everyone, for only a few nearby library folk have seen me since The New Haircut. I don’t mind drawing attention to myself, and I don’t mind it if I look good and I’m complimented - I’m delighted, actually. But it’s a little daunting when 20 or 30 people comment in a 24 hour time frame, on how great you look, then back track and say, “not that you looked bad before....”

I do understand, though. First off - like Nancy Reagan, I like to pick a haircut that looks great on me and keep it for years. Unlike Nancy Reagan, I have the capacity to grow bored with a haircut I’ve had since 1992. This change was so completely transforming, though, that many people only recognize me by my laugh - or my wit - charm - grace ... ? And in fact, I not only look different with The New Haircut - I look better, not that I looked bad before. I look rested and I look like I lost weight, a welcome subterfuge that is not true at all.

While the meeting was valuable for touching base - and I got a few good tips I will try out in my own library - and there was a fascinating speaker from OCLC (hope I still have his contact info ...) and I ate entirely too many deserts, the powerful thrust for me was to visit my old home town again. This weekend is my anniversary weekend - 35 years since the first time I rode off from 1617 Floyd Ave, Richmond, Vee Aie, on a long ramble with my very own BD. I am all awash with nostalgia and tenderness and sighing and sweet gentle memories. A small group of us went out to dinner in The Fan on Thursday and we drove past my old apartment. We drove through the campus of VCU - where my real life began. I stood at the hotel window and gazed out across the city, with a glinting sunset shooting rays off of The Carillon at Dogwood Dell - where I played The Spirit Of The Woods back in 1962. I stared at the gaping hole and new construction taking place over the footprint of the old Thalheimer’s Department Store building - where I took Charm Lessons one summer and learned how to put on makeup and walk with my hips tucked under and my shoulders pressed back and down.

Ahh well. Time. It is a rich trunk, filled with living and memories and all the little building blocks of the soul.

The meeting wound up at lunch yesterday and the drive home was simply glorious through the rich autumnal palette of turning leaves and blue sky. My companion, R, was willing to putter a bit and we did a tad of shopping - mostly picking up Halloween supplies for our libraries, though I also looked for some shoes. I’m having the dickens of a time finding closed heel loafers this year. Backless shoes are such a mystery to me - they rank right down there with cropped pants. They’re ugly, clumsy, ungainly, and hearken back to other fashions intended to hobble women. The last thing I want to do is clack clack down linoleum covered hallways, or even worse, make a sudden move and have my shoe fly off. With cold weather coming on I’m completely stumped... not just by the fact that anyone would produce such a stupid garment - open shoes in wintertime?!? - but also, like buying peaches that are as hard as rocks, why would anybody ever buy a shoe that flaps against her foot and requires intense toe pressure to keep on at all? They aren’t even particularly attractive on your foot. Sheesh!

And yes yes yes. I’ve found some loafers in catalogs - but then there is the issue of fit - and does this brand run large or tight or small and shipping them back when they don’t fit - so now they’re another $5 more expensive because you have to pay shipping again. I suppose I’ll settle for that in the end, but I resent it nonetheless.

Enough grousing, though. I have, spread before me, another 3 day weekend. I never work on October 16th - the actual anniversary day and this year that falls on a Monday! As I unpacked my suitcase last night, I gazed around my room with sweeping gratitude and delight. There were the two new knitting books I want to really examine - and the two books on spiritual growth that I am excited to delve into - they look like candy boxes for my soul. There is this month’s selection for our library book club. And the KPFair Isle sweater, ready for me to knit the next pattern - there it sits on the dresser top, the colorful balls spilling all over the place. There is the merino/silk blend yarn I’m going to knit into socks for J’s booth display, already wound. There is the digital camera - complete with manual -that M gave me - that I get to learn all about, sitting on the chair by the window! There will be pictures on this blog one day. Real ones, not scans. It’s as if I stood at the gate of a giant playroom at the beginning of summer vacation. Where do I start? Which toy do I pick up first.

My bedroom faces west and the sun was dropping down towards the west woods on a perfect sparkle of an autumn day. I threw open the window to get that apple crisp scent to flow into the room. I felt like all the Fridays in the world - with No Homework to do! It really doesn’t get any better than that.

More good news is that I finished the first of Mama’s Christmas socks. When I was visiting her last weekend she admired the beautiful Spirit Trail sock yarn I was knitting and she tried on the little bit of cuff I’d already knit. It fit nicely over her ankle. Mama’s feet are rather swollen from a combination of arthritis and ankle surgeries, so though her feet are shorter than mine, they’re thicker round. The ring just fit, the cuff will be snug without being tight. I knit the cuff a little longer than I make them for me so that stretching it wide won’t make the cuff too short. All that’s left is to Kitchener stitch the toe - for I didn’t have a tapestry needle with me. This was Business Meeting Knitting and I didn’t want a lot of paraphernalia, just waiting to get lost.

I think I’ll set the Christmas socks aside for a bit, though, and cast on those merino/silk socks. In part, I’m just chomping at the bit to try knitting with such soft slippery yarn, and in part I’d love to have them done in time for the retreat next month. They’re for J’s booth you see - and that is the other part of why I’m wanting to knit them. I feel a tad bit guilty to be knitting with contraband yarn - yarn that almost feels like it is No Fiber Vow Violation yarn. It’s okay for me to knit with this yarn so long as I get right down to it. This yarn is definitely not supposed to end up as part of my stash. I may buy my own fabulous silk/wool blend sock yarn ... in January.

Man - I have so many purchases planned for January - I better buy a lottery ticket.

But that is where I have been and where I shall be this mid-October. Home. Cozy. Happy. Celebratory. I have a short week next week - off on Monday and Friday but working Saturday. With a library board meeting in smack in the middle of the week. The following week will be the first time I’ll have been in the office 5 days in a row since August!! And 3 and a half weeks from now I head north for the K. R. Retreat!! What an autumn.

Good knitting to you all and thank you for stopping by.

posted by Bess | 7:46 AM