Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


It's so nice to be productive, isn't it? Wish I felt that way! Have fun at your reunion!

By Blogger Mary, at 6:00 PM  

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Monday, August 07, 2006  

You ought to see my rugs! You ought to see my baseboards! My windowsills! My whole house! I ought to give a party.

This must have been cooperative-weekend, because everything conspired to make the jobs that had to be done go smoothly. There was a rental machine at the grocery store, with the upholstery attachment. (Sometimes there aren’t, you see)There was no rain, so all the laundry got dry. Just about all the heavy housecleaning that needs to be done after a hot busy summer, but before favorite cousins come for a visit, got itself done, with a little help from TheQueen. There are 2 inches of sock cuff on the needles. Even Bella decided to cooperate and spun a little for me. She knows I want to show her off next weekend.

The weather dot com guys say the peak of miserable hotness is a thing of the past. Who could do anything but rejoice at that news?

I haven’t felt very literary though. I’ve been concentrating on some meditative activities, trying to rearrange my daily schedule to fit in a little more deliberate inner work - work in this case connotating joyful busy-ness, not drudge labor. This has been deeply rewarding, sometimes surprising and quite time consuming. Ahh there. It’s always important to take care of the little person who lives deep inside and makes all the important decisions. If she feels neglected she tends to really mess things up.

I had a grand time with the Heritage Library building committee on Saturday - so great we didn’t part till 1:30, but they were pumped and, in fact, so was I. And true to the universe, with it’s totally connected network, a member of the committee is a frame conservator, noticed the enormous portrait hiding behind a couch in my library because the frame is damaged and it’s unsafe to hang, and offered to repair it for me! There you have it, give up a Saturday and get a favor. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work out?

And so a new week begins. A much cooler, busy without being finger-pointingly demanding, complete with a Tuesday Knitters gathering sort of week. It will end with favorite cousins and family reunion. Let us hope there will be a complete sock when I sit down to post next Monday.

posted by Bess | 7:33 AM