Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, August 23, 2006  

I check my statscounter page every day - looking first to see how many people logged into TheCastle and then to see what sorts of searches resulted in a hit. As my lemony girlfriend S would say, “some people have too much time.” But the questions that prompt yahoo or google to offer this blog up as a solution to someone’s NeedToKnow are often usually tell exactly which post hooked them in. The frequent search for pictures of extremely flat chested women gets the information seeker my ranting diatribe about the 2005 vomitacious movie travesty of Pride and Prejudice; a movie I went to see solely for the purpose of being able to say horrible things about it. Of course, any request for info about my namesake, Elizabeth I, brings a guaranteed hit; that’s pretty much a no brainer. But some of the oddest things will pull up links to me. Today’s weird search question was caused by a typo: “regal beth room rugs”. LikeTheQueen was link #9, the post about the reunion, and the word matches were “regal” and “room”.

I don’t puzzle over the fact that my blog gets offered up by search engines for the most preposterous questions, after all, they’re just computers looking for a specific set of character strings, proof that IA hasn’t yet hit the net. What tickles me is that someone looking for bathroom rugs actually clicked on the link to a post that looks like a description of a meal. Do you suppose it was the lure of chocolate that tempted beyond restraint? My admonition to a wee child to eat desert first? I wonder.

I sincerely hope nobody was looking for knitting news - not about yesterday and here's a hint; there shan’t be any tomorrow either. Work was super delightfully busy yesterday, in productive meetings from 12 to 3. I adore committee work when the committee has a specific charge, each member accepts his or her responsibility, and it disbands once it reaches its goal. The noon committee, the group putting together our Friends of the Library’s first auction is just such a one. We have 4 weeks to the big event and so far as I can tell, it’s all on schedule. Makes me proud, but also makes me very happy.

Today I must bid good-bye to L, the dear friend who introduced me to the fascinating world of hypnosis. She is a hypnotist and the daughter of one of my library volunteers. She visits once a year and we usually fit in a session. This year we never had a chance to go exploring but we have gotten in some good visiting. I’m taking the afternoon off so we can go play in the city. She lives in St. John, VI, where shopping is limited to tourist items. Thus, if you need a ball point pen or a spiral notebook ... mama better send it to you. So we’ll go look at the simplest of things - Target and Office Max, Barnes & Nobel and chain grocery stores. It’s so much fun to watch her get excited about an entire aisle of dry cereals. Like taking a time traveler from the past to the Mall.

After dinner I’ll drop her off at her motel and her mom and I will drive home in the evening dusk, talking about everything from family reunions to the latest novels. L visits every August, just after TheReunion. If I wasn’t feeling the pull of summer drawing to a close already - I’ll surely feel that soft sighing sensation tonight.

Tomorrow, I get to be the passenger so there will be knitting news by Friday.

posted by Bess | 8:02 AM