Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Keep dry or build an ark - it doesn't seem like it's gonna stop anytime soon!

By Blogger Mary, at 9:15 PM  

Bess, I'm catching up on reading your blog. I'm so behind on reading everything except books. Our library is open on Monday and I have to work. I have a feeling it will be a very slow day.

So sorry to hear that Bella is suffering in the humidity, maybe next year she'll grow to love the humidity and fresh air as much as you do. :)

As for your short-row heel sock, I personally dislike the short-row heel enough to avoid it as much as I can. I'd rather do a peasant heel than to deal with the dreaded yarn-overs and trying to pick them up. I only want holes in my socks if I make them intentionally.

I hope the rain stops soon for all of you. And finally, I so want to hear/see your spinning storytelling. Maybe you could travel a few miles to Illinois and present it at our library.

By Blogger erica, at 11:28 AM  

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006  

Thanks Amie. I’ll keep that in mind if I, once again, give up on the short row heel. Somehow I think I ought to be able to knit a good looking short row heel because other people claim they can. It’s just knitting, after all. But I am prepared to give only so much time to this poor sock. It’s already strange enough looking with it’s bulbous toe and narrow instep. I forgot to take it in to scan a shot of its horrible heel yesterday. I’ll try to remember to do so today - but tomorrow it gets ripped.

I was glancing through my knitting basket and noticed that cuff for BD’s languishing sock, hogging the #3 needles, and realized that, if I become too frustrated with the Lorna’s Laces sock, I can always switch to woolese and get my frustration from the yarn instead of the technique.

I certainly can’t do any spinning, down here in this wet sponge we call Virginia. Even in this era of ExtrEEEEEEEM Weather Reports, a rainstorm in D.C. is hardly news. That ought to tell you how much rain we’re getting. I wonder if the wheat will just go ahead and sprout on the stalk. I wonder if we’ll make diddly squat for the sodden crop this year. It’s almost time to plant late soybeans in the fields where the wheat still stands - that which hasn’t lodged yet.

I’ve put Bella in the Spinning Wheel Corner (most of the time she sits in the middle of the living room where she can be admired by all). HeyBaby isn’t so weather sensitive nor so heavy, so she’s on duty for all the spinning story programs this summer and spinning on her yesterday, I remembered just how wonderful she is. She’s a more laid back tool. She doesn’t spin all that much - slow and steady is her gait. I can fill the bobbins on Bella with twice as fine at twice as fast as I can fill those Ashford bobbins. Yet, there’s a sweetness to such lazy easy spinning. Besides, it seems to suit this dark dank dampness, this miasma of mold, mildew, and moisture that’s blanketing my world. I’m sure that’s why I am so dull. At least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I put the idea of working on Monday to my staff and would you believe it? Not a one of them wanted to! Imagine that. Not a heart was moved by the plight of TheCitizenry nor could they wrap their minds around the concept of The Greater Good. Of course, none of them will be blamed by irate intellectuals, starved for bibliographic bliss between Saturday afternoon and Wednesday morning. But I don’t have to work this Saturday so I’ve decided to open up Monday and work solo till 3. I would wager that by then all the vacationing bookworms will have made sure their supply of paperbacks and graphic novels was restocked and I can slip home early. The truth is - getting off early sometimes has more of the feel of a holiday than a whole day off. And then, I’d have those extra disposable hours to use for sneaking out early later in the summer - when I may need it.

It’s been 6 months now since I bought any yarn and I’m finding a yarn diet pretty easy to stay with. Any time I think I may need new yarn, I can open up a drawer or paw through a basket and discover I already have new yarn. In fact, I have very good taste and buy really pretty stuff!

Hmmm. Changing my mind about today's post. Changing the post too.

In the mean time, stay dry, guys.

posted by Bess | 7:12 AM