Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


So that's what this is -- a Maine Spring! No wonder I'm still sleeping under the winter down.

You don't always need to write about knitting or spinning, because we're all pretty sure that you are at least thinking about it!

By Blogger Unknown, at 1:50 PM  

I woke up yesterday morning in my Columbia, MD hotel room and the alarm clock radio station told me it was a mere 44ºF. Loving it!!! Too soon it will be twice that or more, so I will cling to Maine Mays with all my strength.

The only downside is that we're 7 inches short of rain, so far. What else will croak in my garden this summer? Sigh....

By Blogger Mary, at 10:55 PM  

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006  

We are having a New England spring. Perhaps even a Maine spring - for the days are cool and crisp and blue and gold and emerald and breezy and the nights are cozy for snuggling, pleasant for letting dogs hop up on the big bed to tell you about their day - or snooze till the last human turns out the light. I have waxed eloquent about the grandness that is May in Virginia often enough, but I am well aware that May is a rather splendid time of year most anyplace in the northern half of the globe. Why else all these springtime rituals woven throughout folk cultures of vastly different continental origins? Thus, May ought to be the heaviest travel month in the year. It isn’t, I am sure, because none of us can bear to leave our own special glorious May to wander through someone else’s. We once tore ourself away from MayInVirginia to visit EnglandInMay - and it was worth it, I promise you. But I don’t know if I’d do that again for many a year. So I am doubly grateful to Maine for sending us its May so that I don’t have to leave home to enjoy someplace else.

Last night my WW come-upance might have been disappointing, for the scales moved not a jot, in spite of my successful efforts to follow the plan. I am aware that a fall - with scraped knee and shredded shin and sprained ankle means lots of body fluids lingering to create protective and healing cushions. At least, that’s the story I’m clinging to. We shall just have to see how next week goes.

The onerous job at work suddenly blossomed into an accomplishable, if enormous, task, so I don’t dread the rest of the week - which will be blessedly short anyway because I have family business to attend to in the city on Friday. Happily there is a government holiday waiting for me on Monday - watch me dance! There are still heap big efforts sprinkled about the library for the next 12 weeks: end of year budgets, next year budgets, tonsOpublicity for the summer reading programs, 600 children to ferry through the library during the DaysOfDumbness that spread out after the standardized testing has been accomplished.

I shan’t rant on about schools today - I sound too much like old disgruntled geezer-type rocking chair critics - but I can’t for the life of me figure out why the state requires everyone to take standardized throughout May, and then expects the schools to stay open afterwards. At least “back when I was in school” you had May to review & study for exams and took them in June. That left perhaps a week of wasted days spent in useless school rooms fulfilling the 180 days open mandate. Our schools finish up testing on Friday and will then fritter away 3 weeks of adult minds and frustrated childish bodies with StayIndoorsActivities that MeanNothing.

If the state is going to mandate, write, grade and evaluate the exams, why bother expecting the teachers to come up with anything more? Make them happen the last day of school or last week or last 10 days - and then let everyone go home for vacation.

There. I’ve managed to fill up this post and say nothing of fiber stuff. I’m knitting on a scarf. I am not spinning because the ankle is still tender. Besides - I’m not home to spin. But I am sure I’ll be able to do so on the weekend. Dear P is visiting from the west coast. Mayhap she will be able to get down here for a few days. Good things are up ahead. Heck. Good things are going on now. Good things like Breakfast and Dogs in the Big Bed!

May your day be filled with good things too.

posted by Bess | 7:43 AM