Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Pardon the first time posting - Read with appreciation your analysis of IK - made me buy it! Did you see "Stitchcraft" on Oxygen channel yesterday? It's on again today at 2 p.m....'sweater and a scarf is the new twinset'...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:23 AM  

I plan on watching the movie -- would like to see it in the theater but will probably end up watching it on DVD. Don't like Hanks' hair, though.

By Blogger Mary, at 11:31 PM  

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Saturday, May 20, 2006  

Thanks to Kim for this week's Quiz. I am such an Austen fan that it may be Quiz '0 the Rest of May!

And after thinking about it a bit - well - I bet I answered some questions the way I would like to be, rather than the way I am. When I am happy I'm very up front and out there, but when I take a blow - it all goes inside - and frequently makes me quite ill. So I am probably a little more Elinore Dashwood than I'd like to be. But I ain't changin' my answer. I want to be Elizabeth Bennet.

I saw the Da Vinci Code last night. I have redubbed it the Da Capo code - because it just keeps on giving you a conclusion, and then another conclusion, and then another and another and another. I wrote my opinions - one hopes without any spoiling comments - and posted them here, on the KFForums.

Spent the day yesterday cleaning house beause 10 days in the country, in spring time, with 3 dogs you let get up in the big bed when you go back to bed with your coffee and newspaper, can create dust of a magnitude that makes the mind boggle - and the rest of your head sneeze. Today belongs to fiber! Bella - here I come.

posted by Bess | 7:05 AM