Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, May 05, 2006  

Eventually, even the most anticipated day finally arrives and that day is today. While not every opportunity for frustration has been eliminated, as there is no car parked in front of my house, most of the preparation for which I could take responsibility has been accomplished and now it is up to the travel gods to unfold the rest of my day like a smooth carpet.

It was not the alternator but the starter. Evidently that is three times more expensive and it is not considered a standard part at the local NAPA store. But my ManWithTools promised me that he would strip the car down yesterday, that he’d ordered two starters from two different supply warehouses, and that one of them ought to be delivered by 8 a.m. today. He would install it first thing and call me as soon as it is done.

And so - my fate is in the hands of the starter warehouse in Richmond. One candle lit to Hera - who might as well be goddess of storage warehouses as well as the home - sort of a goddess of the garage, hmm? And if the goddess or god is kind I’ll be leaving points south before lunch.

As for the TTDbMSW, which I am sure is paramount in the hearts and minds of all, here is that final list:

Select and order DVD projector
Grocery shop for abandoned husband - including disposable camera
Plan party dinner
Manicure & pedicure (what’s a vacation without luxury?)
Go to Bank
Dig out some fiber to spin on at night
Photocopy twisted stitch pattern for Fixation sock cuff - mindless knitting project
Finish Continue working on look at folder containing Disaster Plan
Get Car Repaired
Get car washed & gassed up

Abandoned Project:

Newspaper article to paper

Gotta say - I’m feeling pretty smug for doing so well while stumbling through the universe on half-brain for the past week. I wonder why I can’t get that much done in a normal week. Now there is nothing to do but wait. Wait for the phone call that says my chariot is active again. Wait and think and dream. Not too bad a state to be in when the reward at the end of the wait is a weekend with friends at MS&W.

Be back on Monday.

posted by Bess | 6:38 AM