Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


quote:"GenX’ers just want a casual point in the direction and GenY’ers will whine that you didn’t tell them the letter K followed the letter J in an encyclopedia."

Wow, that is profound and makes sense! I see exactly the same thing as a consultant.

By Blogger Carolyn, at 12:18 PM  

You know, that comment (the Gen X vs. Gen Y thing) explains some of the frustrations that I feel dealing with people younger than myself.

Not ALL Generation Y people are that way, but enough are for the stereotype to exist. (I will say though that I remember enough people from MY generation who couldn't find their proverbial rumps with both their proverbial hands. And they usually whined about having to go find the reserve reading in the library.)

By Blogger fillyjonk, at 8:38 AM  

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Sunday, April 23, 2006  

It seems there is only one long writing project a day in me and if it goes out as a private e-mail, I haven’t much left to put into a blog post. I’ll just play catch-up with today’s post and see if I can do better tomorrow.

I’m back from Graves Mt. - where it was nice to see the other library directors and there was an interesting little talk about developing staff comprised of folk from different generations; baby boomers, GenX’ers and GenY’ers. All my staff is my age or older, but it was still interesting to see that the same issues that you have to deal with as a boss are going to be there when you are a librarianish host. GenX’ers just want a casual point in the direction and GenY’ers will whine that you didn’t tell them the letter K followed the letter J in an encyclopedia. They’ve never used one that wasn’t on-line.

Who’da thought?

The real highlights of those 2 days away were the visits with R and J. Nothing like being with women who love you and approve of you to make your heart soar. Besides, I got to play with all of J’s new fibers and to help her get ready for MS&W at the same time. Forget about multi-tasking - let’s talk about multi-pleasuring. She gave me a small handful of a new fiber she’s selling and I’ve spun half of it into 30 yards of the prettiest lace weight. It’s a mohair merino blend. I’m spinning half for the mohair characteristics - fine laceweight with sheen and drape, and half trying to bring out the merino spring and cushion in a sweater weight yarn. I’ll knit up two little samples she can display with the fiber.

We’ve had torrential rain since I got home so BD and I have been ultra-lazy, spending hours in bed reading to each other. He’s reading more Edgar Cacey and I’m still plowing the North Atlantic in various life rafts and breeches buoys.

I’m motoring down the foot of the first of the Fixation socks. Nearing the toe, actually - but I wish I’d knit this on fewer stitches. I had never used Fixation before and wasn’t sure how tight I needed to make the sock. Evidently it could have been made tighter, but I’m not about to rip now. I’ll just make these socks extra long and, maybe, give them to a dear cousin who’s feet are bigger than mine, both in length and width.

Beyond that - there is only housework and paperwork to do today but I will attempt them both. This week is a full one, I have to go in 6 days, though I don’t have to stay all day on Friday. And the following week is MarylandSheep&Wool which is beginning to thrum my heart with excitement and energy.

posted by Bess | 8:44 AM