Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Bess, I just ordered a new DVD of P & P from Amazon for only 19.96!
Colin Firth is my Valentine gift to myself. If only I had ordered him last week, I could have spent this "shut in " weekend with him & my knitting! What a wonderful thought.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:00 PM  

Consider yourself tagged, but it's the painless "fridge" meme, not something that takes honest thought. I liked this one. ;-)

By Blogger Catherine, at 6:40 PM  

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Friday, February 10, 2006  

Oh. Well. My, my. Hmmm. Photographs, huh?

Well. We’ll have to see about that.

Of course I always thought I’d be getting a digital camera and wouldn’t have to use the clumsy (and not very clear focusing) scanner at work after I’d gotten ordinary photographs developed and all. It’s just that the cheapy digital never seemed to work and the $$ for the other ones seemed to always get spent on other things. And it’s just sooo easy to sit down and let my fingers tap out what’s going on. Besides, the hamster inside the home computer told me even .jpg files are a burden for him to handle. Too many 1’s and 0’s. He’s getting old, nobody wants a job working in these antediluvian computers. And for sure, Himself is not going to make the shift away from Windows98 anytime soon. (smirking smiley here)

But I hear. I will try to color up this little missive more frequently. Mind now, Mr. Bank Statement showed up yesterday and said not this month, unless I add more protein to his diet.

The [research] trip to Richmond was a complete success. I not only must have that $$,$$$ microfilm collection for the library, I will. I was absolutely charmed by the delightful window onto 20th century Tappahannock. I nearly wept when I read that Mrs. WB and her son, P, had lunch with Mrs. JW in D___ville, Thursday and that many of Mrs. WB’s friends in that community joined them for afternoon tea. I remember all of those Mrs. oh, so well, and loved every one of them and was swept with sudden nostalgic longing for their company just one more time. Nope nope. We will find the cash for this project and the whole county will be glad for it. In fact, this will be a fun project to work on over the next year or so.

Imagine this, though. I forgot to take my knitting with me. Yep. 3 hours in a car in daylight and nary a stitch knit. This is bad. And the weather for the weekend is rain/snow, all the way up to Waldorf, MD. I believe our trip to the old growth forest is put off for another week. Since it looks like a shut in weekend, I will make every effort to finish up that sweater body and begin a sleeve. I ought to be aided by my great desire to watch the real P&P again. I’m in need of a Regency fix, big time.

But that’s all the news from here. Well. it’s not all the news, but it’s all I feel like writing about. I’m probably going to rant tomorrow about health insurance because my GP just told BD that he’s quitting due to high insurance costs and I have to go find a new doctor and I am not happy. And I see now, that’s why I’m so reticent and boring today. I can’t feel witty when I feel robbed by a bad societal structure. Rats. Well. At least I know why I’m so dull today. Hmmm. Thank you blogger - for helping me get to the root of my ennui.

At least it’s Friday.

posted by Bess | 6:49 AM