Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2005  

So. Here it is. A day off. With a manicure appointment smack in the middle of the day - made when I thought I was going to work today - and irrevocable, in this busy holiday season - unchangeably set in manicure stone. (would that be pumice?) Because one can’t sit down at Thanksgiving table with grubby fingers, now, can one?

I am a-swamp with the desire to go shopping! I don’t know what I want to shop for. I feel the tug of a yarn shop, although I have lots of projects I’m enjoying working on, lots of supplies to start other projects, will be visiting a yarn shop next Tuesday, and have no $ to speak of. I have yet to make the first decision about Christmas shopping - other than perhaps - to do all my shopping in T-town this year. I did most of it here last year and found it refreshing and rewarding. I would like to buy Christmas Cards - that might be a reason to burn up $10 worth of gas. But can I be back by 12:15 and what about those last minute groceries I forgot to buy earlier in the week? Can you imagine it? We don’t have any cream for whipping in this house!!
Well. What a strange urge this is.

But whatever else is tugging at me - I am going to be back in the early afternoon, with pumpkin pies baking in the oven and P&P on the television. GD is joining me and I will knit away on the Camo Sock.

posted by Bess | 7:33 AM