Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, November 04, 2005  

The Mini-vacation Retreat Weekend Boat Launch Celebration began yesterday at 1. My giddy excitement level was ratcheting up so high that I mislaid my glasses between the back door of the library and the front seat of my car. After 30 minutes I found them, in my purse, of course, so that I could leave them with SS, who makes my hands and feet smooth and elegant and also says admiring things to make me feel beautiful. Her boss, D,is as much fun as SS and besides, BH always schedules her manicure for the same time as mine so we can turn the place into a party. It is - too - utterly feminine, salt of the earth, plain folk girlie girl stuff. These women understand the value of a really beautiful purse. They are also hard working, entrepreneurial, and creative. They are fun and kind and they struggle with dignity. Sometime I will paint a more detailed picture of their world because they deserve to be honored.

So it was a great place to start a Happy Me Vacation. Got the car washed, gassed up the tank, bought WW friendly snacks to eat in the car (carrots and celery and apples) and picked up some things I want to pack for the KRRetreat. I’m still struggling with what to wear today, when it’s 80 degrees - but autumn colors. Everything that is light enough looks like summer. Everything that’s the right “look” is long sleeved. And BD swears he was told it was casual, even though the Governor of Md. is going to be there and most times that sort of event is not really casual. And my casual is sweats and jeans. And almost everything I own is too tight! Yes. These past weeks have added up to a terrible weight gaining 3 months but thanks to Tuesday's renewed vows to WW, , I have, so far this week, clung tightly to the regemin. In spite of the reception this evening, I have confidence I can make it through today without straying from the narrow path. I am determined to try - hard - and maybe succeed - with Saturday and Sunday. But Graves Mt.’s kitchen will try to thwart me. I know.

But if that is all I have to complain about - I certainly am the fortunate one.

There shan’t be time to post again before I leave, since I have to pack tonight!! But there shall be a full report when I get home.

Every good thing to every good one of you.

posted by Bess | 6:39 AM