Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Have I mentioned lately that I love you with every fiber (!) of my being???

Can't wait to see you!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:50 PM  

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Monday, October 17, 2005  

Thank you all for the kind comments on the yarn. Yes LWLY, I promise to teach you how to make this. I'll talk to the Boss Lady and see about making it official, so we can have some quiet space. I don't want to try to teach it in a big room full of other people wanting to talk about other things. And you know, most folk will be wanting to learn to use their drop spindles. But we can put in a little time with boucle techniques. I'm going to bring HeyBaby after all.

Here’s what you need to bring:

Singles, spun to a medium twist, on a bobbin. Silk, alpaca, merino, mohair, blends - whatever you have or really like.
Spool of thread - black or white will be fine
Spool of glittery thread - optional
Tall plastic cup OR small, but deep card board box - at least 7 inches deep
Plastic sandwich bag and large rubber band - optional
Empty bobbin

I have way early morning meetings tomorrow, library board meeting on Wed. and an out of town convention on Thurs. & Fri. so this may be it for blog posts this week. Depends, of course, on how busy I really get.
Be glad to know that I’ve almost filled that bobbin of brown wool - so this weekend I’ll ply the two fibers up.

posted by Bess | 8:58 PM