Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2005  

Oh. My. I have time. I have a computer. I even have some ideas. But I just don’t want to write today. Oh. Hmmm.

(My inner author is stamping her little Mary Jane shod foot and saying "so there! Nya!")

I have a slightly off kilter schedule this week since I have to work on Saturday. I’d go in anyway, because we have the most delightful story teller coming to the library to tell spoooooky stories. And I have to work Friday because we will finally have everyone together for a staff meeting and we will also have our book group lunch. I can’t take off Wednesdays - because we all know that Wednesday means story hour - so I’m taking tomorrow off - so this means Wednesday means Friday.

And on Fridays I go grocery shopping. But on Wed. I teach knitting to the worlds cutest knitting students. Only it’s tax time and they both work in the tax assessor’s office and they asked to postpone their class till next week. So I could go shopping, but I don’t think I shall. I ought to balance the check book, only I haven’t finished the book group novel. And what I really want is to spend 4 rainy days in bed, napping. Only we won't get rain again till next week.

Huh. Just a week in the life of an anywoman who knits. The only reasons I’m nattering on like this is because the real thing I’m thinking about is being ignored and, being the Virgo I am, I need to Plan and Schedule my Scarce&Precious Time, and I need to let a stream of subconscious thought pour out all the Things2Do that are clamoring for attention in the brain that is thinking of SomethingElse. Otherwise, whatever is the MostImportantThing2Do can pretty much be guaranteed - it won’t get done.

I think I’ll pull out HeyBaby.


posted by Bess | 7:19 AM