Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Friday, July 29, 2005  

Just a dash through to cheer about The Last Day Of Summer Reading Club.

Not that it has been onerous, this year. It’s actually been great good fun. I’ll miss the darling volunteers I’ve had but they are already planning with me about the after school program this fall - where “couldn’t we put on some plays?” and don’t you know - we could - because the library is walking distance away from the elementary school, where we would have a captive audience of little kids AND a stage. So. Yes. We could.

But - the SRC is staff intensive and my folk need some vacations and I have family stuff coming up over the next 2 weeks. Time to lighten up at work a tad.

Spun about 3 feet of the red yarn yesterday. This wee there won’t be any 140 yards to show for my effort but I knew there would be weeks like this. I’ll have some yarn, and that will be just fine by me.

We take the car in for new axles today. After that, it ought to run as if it were new - although I see now a big hole in the carpet. I wonder what it is like to not drive a car into shreds - but in this marriage I will never know. I was read to recycle the little white thing 2 years ago - but BD has this thing about 250K miles and I am 70K away from that. Ah well. It is just a car - a purse - on wheels - that lugs my junk around.

HP is moving along a little smoother - but I was so bloomin’ tired last night I read only a few pages. Crashed asleep before 9, but only after I got last weekend’s laundry folded and put away. See, I have this thing about not being able to wash this week’s dirty clothes until last week’s laundry is put away.

And here’s a big Thank You to Canada for aiming their trough of cool air our way. Whew.

posted by Bess | 7:21 AM