Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Dear Heart, 'a change is as good as a rest'...I am prayerful that your spinning trip and your fibre heroine will inspire and encourage you, and that you'll come back rested, refreshed and revitalized!
Hugs and travelling mercies!

By Blogger Margaret, at 12:02 PM  

HEY - Quit talking trash about one of the best people I know! It's no surprise that, after two years of dizzying wedding planning/sewing and a horribly frightening experience with BD, that you're rebounding in the other direction. Cut yourself some slack, girl!

Any chance of getting to see you while you're up here at MAFA?

Love -

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:44 PM  

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Thursday, June 30, 2005  

Capt. Jack says “Thanks for the compliments.” Too bad I don’t have more photos because I certainly don’t seem to have anything to say these days. I am still sort of buzzing through time and space, extraordinarily busy but not ignited with creativity, worthy thoughts, or even any yearnings, beyond wishing I had grass in my yard and wondering if I am cursed to live on a plot of bare dirt the rest of my life.

I drive by the most abandoned wrecks of yards and they never seem to lack some sort of fibrous vegetative cover. I can’t even seem to get wire grass to grow around my yard any more. We have had a month of rainless days followed by an inch in an hour on Tuesday night. What little plant life that was left clinging to the sandy soil in my yard has been beaten to a pulp. If it would stay damp, at least the grit and dust wouldn’t cloud in through the back porch but alas, we are at the beginning of summer, not the end. There are more weeks of Virginia summer ahead and I haven’t any idea what to do and even less inspiration to seek a solution. I am sure the only answer will be to cut down all the trees, rendering my house as hot as the last room in hell, and we’d still have to wait till the fall to have some reasonable hope that anything planted would sprout, much less survive. That, or go with expensive hardscape - which I would actually prefer. Two large patios around the house would be interesting, cool in the heat and far easier to sweep clear of the heavy leaf fall. The big question then becomes; can I get someone “up off it”, as the phrase is coined ‘round cheer.

I am not sure why I am so dull and desultory these days. Perhaps it is a final collapse of spirit after 2 jam packed years. At least that sounds like a good excuse and I am ready to grasp at straws. The other explanations are far too critical of me: that I am lazy, that I am selfish and resentful of the needs of others, that I have used up all my creativity and passion and must end out my days a dry husk of humanity. (well I better quit here - this is going downhill very fast)

In 2 weeks I’ll be packing to go to the annual MAFA (Mid Atlantic Fiber Association) convention where I’ve already paid for 12 hours of spinning instruction under my heroine and inspiration, Patsy Z. So how am I getting ready? I haven’t sat at my wheel since the first heady days after MS&W - and believe me, spinning is no different from other hand skills - you get rusty if you don’t keep practicing. Zip. Nada. Well - I will spin some to practice - but I don’t feel that rush of joy that the thought of spinning used to spark. Heck. I haven’t even finished that last baby booty - I swear it - probably 200 stitches to go and I just sit stupidly leafing through catalogs. La - talk about doldrums.

Anyway, my dearies - that is why the posts are so brief and I try to pad them with photos. I am sure time and effort will move me from one rut into another - one which I hope will be, at the least, worthy of recording. I have begun a piece about what I read and why I choose what I do. It is becoming a loooooooooooooong piece and I promise there will be a Lite version of it too, for those of you who just asked for “some interesting titles, please, no revelations of your soul.” So perhaps the reason I am so dull is that I am navel gazing (psyche pondering?) and am not ready to perform. Sort of like practicing for a recital. One doesn’t want an audience till one is sure of the notes.

posted by Bess | 6:38 AM