Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Sunday, May 22, 2005  

Today is the day you should come visit me because today my house sparkles. It’s clean and all but one box of papers has been sorted, read and discarded. The slipcover that doesn’t fit has been tucked back into the cushions so that it looks like it might fit. All the get-well cards have been piled up in BD’s office. The cobwebs in the windowsills have been swept away. Floor mopped. Tub scrubbed. Most laundry done. Some laundry actually folded and put away. Hurry - if you want to see the palace before it becomes the pen - you’d best visit before 3.

Golden and Green was the day, too - every time I went outside springtime leaped around me like a puppy cavorting with excitement. Blue blue blue skies. Green green green forest. Gold Gold Gold barley ripening in the field. The boy D’s took a long walk yesterday so I could have scrambled around cleaning house in that atmosphere of productivity a man-less set of rooms offers, but the other thing that whispers temptingly when Nobody is in the house but ME - is to read a book and I hid behind the enormous pile of last week’s laundry, heaped upon the bed, and stole sweet moments with a favorite novelist.

Capt. Jack (yes I have photos I just have to get them developed) has discovered barking. He now braces his little feet and Bark Barks to let you know it is time for you to meet his needs. If you dawdle too long, he’ll go get his empty food or water bowl and drag them up to you - or worse - he’ll just pee by the door. Can’t punish a puppy when he gave you fair warning, but that has not happened too much. And now we are having warm enough days to just leave the front door open so he can meet those particular needs by himself. He is definitely boss dog around here already. Socks and Priss had some hidden carrion jerky they brought up out of the woods and Jack decided to help himself. Aunt Priss showed all her teeth and all her gums and the snap she gave him made his whiskers tremble, but he just kept right on chewing away on one end of it.

It’s interesting to see Jack’s individuality develop. He is the bravest dog we’ve ever had. But he is also a little on the sleepy/slow side. He seems to drop off to sleep more than I remember other dogs of mine doing. Of course, it’s difficult not to compare and contrast him with Ike, but there was never a dog with such bounding energy and length of focus as IketheDog. He would play till his body dropped into coma-like sleep. Jack plays till he’s either distracted by something more interesting or till he is bored and then he does other things. Ike was fanatical about balls but that seems to be the one toy Jack could pass on. He adores squeaky things. Ike liked them too but his passion was to find the squeaker. Jack just likes to carry them around or chew on them gently. He has the softest mouth - even with little needle puppy teeth he is careful to not hurt. His only destroy-toy is cardboard boxes.

In fact, he’s BARK BARK BARKING right now so I think I’d best obey.

We had a splendid time at T&P’s last night. Daughter D is fresh from college with an art degree in jewelry making and metalsmithing! Oh Oh - Beautiful stuff.

Okay - can’t resist dog barks. can’t resist dog barks.

posted by Bess | 8:30 AM