Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


You said it, gal! Even to us "retired" types, the prospect of Sat/Sun stretching out there is de-licious!

By Blogger Margaret, at 9:13 AM  

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Saturday, May 14, 2005  

Sweet sweet weekends with nothing pressing and only delicious pleasures to enjoy. In marked contrast to last week’s energy packed whirlwind, this weekend spreads out like a calm blue lake on a windless day. My house is clean. I slept like a rock for 8 hours so I’m awake and functioning (rather than awake, but on autopilot) at an early hour. I have a spinning wheel with some sea green fiber already wrapping the bobbin with moderately even singles. I’ve found the pattern I want to contemplate for a while. I have a box of New Books brought home from the library - one is trashy (as in the maximum trashy mode - it’s Gangsta Romance [?!?!] - set in the mean streets [?!?!] of Richmond, Virginia) - one is an interesting sounding biography of another Stuart royal with a tragic life - one is an interview of Orphan Train boys from the 1870-1920’s and then there are two new videos - a retrospective of Julia Child’s early television shows and a documentary about Amazon River dolphins.

The day should be hot - but it’s so early in the season the house will stay cool. Before it can heat up, the Weather Dot Com guys promise a return to cooler temperatures, early next week. BD has almost finished painting the screens for upstairs - crisp new white screens instead of those ratty dingy gray things - so we can leave the windows open at night. The possibility of thunder storms is promised but they would be welcome enforcers of pollen obedience - so let us hope those WDC guys are right for a change.

Sweet, sweet midpoint of this perfect sounding weekend will be a birthday celebration for LD at TheDarling’s. We could walk over or we could drive. We’ll share in the pleasure of their company and see some friends we haven’t seen in months. Best of all, we can amble on home, feeling proud and (I’ll confess it) a little smug and brag to ourselves about our children - and then sleep late on Sunday.

I love that sensation of banked time, available to spend. So much of life seems to be already spent - given over to jobs and doctor appointments and community commitments. Even my vacations get gobbled up by doing things. So when I get that rare freedom to do nothing at all I have to sit back and smile - or perhaps - I will just go back to bed.

posted by Bess | 7:47 AM