Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Tuesday, April 12, 2005  

I posted a reply to Jahara's comment in Sunday's post. It was such a fabulous treat to hear from her. How I miss her blog.

Of course, Blogger ate my reply and gobbled up her comments too - she is lost and gone again. Rats.

I can’t get my hands on Marlborough’s memoirs, so I borrowed Sir Winston's book about the couple. The Duchess is more accessible and there are many nasty biographies about her too. I borrowed both her own memoirs and a supposedly juicy bio. Since I placed one order to Mary Washington College, whose claim to superiority is the quality of their library, (definitely not the administration, nor the student attitude - which is plebeian at best) I expect to have it this afternoon - via UPS.

Since I have no more Brrrrrrritish nobility to entertain me, other than the faithfully entertaining P&P, I watched another new library video last night: The Art of the Doll Maker.

Among my many sugary sweetness princess lacy silk traits, is a love of dolls. I am the aunt/adult-friend-of-your-mother who would play Barbie - or American Girl - or even DollHouse with you, when those awful, boring, lumbering relatives/grown-ups came to dinner. You remember them. The people who looked to see that you really did wash your hands, not just held them under the faucet for a second. I’m the one who showed you how to make your own paper doll dresses - the good ones, with old timey long skirts and fluffy pinafores. I always ask what your doll is named when you bring her to the library. I understand that they are real. I can hear them talking. I have only one doll left from my childhood but there are several who live in my heart.

I have made a few dolls in my lifetime and lately the urge to get out felting needles and create little people has been pinching my brain. Who knows what may clutter my windowsill over the next few months?

This video is mostly about using dolls to siphon off inner angst through the creative process. There are lots of doll makers cameo-ed throughout the film. Lots of teary moments, as well. The producer states up front that making this film was her way of paying tribute to a little stillborn daughter and many of the doll makers have lost children too. There are just a tad too many long shots of Kansas sunsets with sentimental music running through the background, but mostly you get to see outstanding dolls and hear their creators talk about how and why they made them. It’s quite good.

I watched this while eating my vegetarian supper alone, since BD had to go to the city today to do THINGS. Happily, he got to see D&P while doing those things and came home with good reports and loving hellos. Afterwards I finished up the baby sweater and washed it. It was only the slightest bit damp when I awoke and I will take it to work with me and wrap it at lunch time. If there is film in the camera I’ll snap a picture of it, but tonight is the shower and this little project will leave my hands forever.

The Fire Mountain Gems package arrived yesterday morning. It’s a lot of $ for such a tiny package but mmmm - everything is lovely. Why is it I don’t have one of those jobs with 12 months of paid vacation every year? I could play with toys for a lifetime and still find interesting projects to tempt me.

And we are down to 3/3 to MSW. Three weeks and three days. What a treat!

posted by Bess | 7:49 AM