Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Goodness, Girl! You're Hot Stuff!!

By Blogger Margaret, at 10:50 AM  

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Saturday, March 12, 2005  

(Aug 24 - Sep 23) Sometimes, we have to be quick. Opportunities rise up suddenly before us, and then vanish. Every so often, though, we encounter possibilities so positive and so perfect that, even if we fail to recognize them immediately, they will sit around waiting patiently and politely until we see their value. The influence of this week's harmonious alignment, from Mercury to Uranus, is being extended by the imminent change in your ruler's direction. That's a real, rare gift. The right kind of change simply has to start happening in your life soon

I just love it when things line up for me and I am surely ready for them to do so. Especially when the right sort of change is waiting up ahead. I am ready for change. Sweet change. Substantial change. Change, only for the better, of course.

The first change I am longing for is change of season. We are having weather that is as weird is it’s possible to get, taking me from shorts and t-shirts to snow boots in the same day, while throwing in a little lightening and thunder and hail, just for fun. Now, I love storms and snow and snugly cold days. But if we aren’t going to have enough snow to let me stay home, I would prefer springtime warmth and a little green, please. I am even willing to accept, with grace, that curse foisted upon us larks, by all the night-owls of this world; Daylight Savings Time.

But I’m also ready for some deeper changes. I am finally doing the assessment that I devote the month of January to. This past January I was occupied elsewhere and happily so. Now I am hearing the clamoring of my inner Bess, asking why I haven’t done anything about this and what do I intend to do about that. And when ever am I going to clean up that mess over there!? There is so much to think about and ponder and consider, I can barely write this entry. Each time I start to type, something else whispers from the frontal lobe, reminding me of MoreToComeThanWasEverForgotten.

Eh. If I have nothing to say, I ought to just log off. So here are the final bits of gossip from the throne room.

There are 4 babies coming into the world this spring and summer and at least two of them deserve gifts from the needles. Alas. I don’t have any yarn suitable for babies. There is plenty of wool, a bit of alpaca, some lovely silk. But there is no superwash wool, other than sock yarn and there’s not enough of that to make baby things - and there is no cotton or acrylic either. While I actually enjoy handwashing beautiful sweaters, I’m not likely to spit up on them. Nor will I have a crying baby, a husband wondering where his clean clothes are nor any of those other special burdens that keep young mamas from the pleasure of delicately washing their beautiful wool garments. I just can’t bring myself to curse a brand new mama with handwashables. This means I will have to do some sort of shopping soon, since the first of the baby shower is April 12. (Now, isn’t that just tooo bad?)

The only knitting available to me this weekend is Mountains of Hearts - and I am nervous as a kitten about that because I know some time soon I will just plain run out of the solid color wool. It’s so easy to just set it aside when I’m dreading something about a project.

Well - I hadn’t even realized I was in the quake and tremble mode. Humph. Be Off With You, Oh Baseless Fear. I intend to knit on this sweater till there is no more yarn.

The Queen Hath Spoken.

And the final bit comes to you courtesy of CarolynH.

You are Lili St. Cyr!
You're Lili St. Cyr!

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Hmmm. That's some outfit.

posted by Bess | 7:44 AM