Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


LOL and Hooray for you!

By Blogger Catherine, at 12:06 PM  

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Sunday, March 27, 2005  

Little golden chocolate box beside my coffee cup,
Its sleekly pebbled surface gleams, as I pick it up.
My fingers pluck the ribbon tails that decorate the top.
The loops pop free, the ribbon falls, I can not seem to stop.
I slide my nail beneath the flap, held down so snug and tight.
The lid comes up, the tissue parts - reveals a thrilling sight.
Inside are morsels sweet and dark, who’s fragrance so enflames
My senses reel, that familiar feel is driving me insane.
‘Tis been so long since last we met I’d thought the memory gone
And yet returned, this sweet delight will be mine ere too long.
You little flirts, you’ve tempted me with promises so sweet
But now my wait is over and I soon will get to eat
You sugar’d bites that blossom forth with flavors rich and rare
You’ll be all mine, each sweet delight, I will not have to share
My lips do part, my teeth sink into candy so sublime
For lent is gone, and Easter’s nigh. Oh chocolate, you are mine.

posted by Bess | 8:06 AM