Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Bess, dear, glad to hear you are "as well as can be expected" after that glorious birthday dinner! Bravo to GD for her cake, and Happy BD to BD!

By Blogger Margaret, at 9:48 AM  

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Thursday, March 31, 2005  

I must be old. I am always going on about my health. Happily I am, as Miss Bennet says “a little better.” Happier is the news that my long tall teenager will be here the next day it isn’t raining, to rake up the yard and garden. Little does he know I would pay him any price to shoulder this chore. Instead, I will let him bill me. Happiest of all is the sweet knowledge that I don’t have to hustle along this morning. I’m vacationing with BD on his birthday.

We began celebrating last night with a steak dinner, cake and ice cream and presents. Our precious Bride baked the cake, a distaff celebratory custom of TOWERING CHOCOLATE, 4 layers high. Evidently, many scores were paid off with her presentation of this confection, not the least of which was the Triumph of Cake. I didn’t ask for details, but it was evident that this was MoreThanCake. Baking skills were not considered particularly rare in my family. Those who liked to cook were encouraged, but cakes, in my childhood, grew in boxes or came in kit form. Not unsurprisingly, all my sisters and I turned out to be pretty good bakers, but becoming so was never a goal. It was different for GD, and last night she was as proud as a glowing candle with her success.

I, alas, overate - something I seldom do at one sitting - and went to bed groaning. In fact, it was all I could do to not tell them to run along, so I could go lie down. BD kept them talking forever, coaxing out more flattering attention, more tender gestures, more smiling conversation. Since it was his birthday I said not a word, and since I have been so silent all week, nobody noticed anything unusual in my lack of chatter. Today it is carrots and apples and water for me.

I think today we shall drive over to the city and look at pretty things. I’m not sure. Though the weather dot com guys say it won’t rain till the evening, it looks mighty stormy right now. I will knit on the Mountains of Lace sweater and maybe wheedle BD into stopping at the bead shop so I can buy MORE stuff.

But whatever we do, we will enjoy a day of happy birthday memories; the ones we make today added to the ones that have come before.

posted by Bess | 7:37 AM