Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


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Wednesday, January 12, 2005  

For 2 months I’ve been suffering with labyrinthitis, which does not mean that the boxwood hedge maze in my back yard is on fire. It means the little bone in my inner ear, called the labyrinth is inflamed and it makes me dizzy. It’s faded in and out, always getting substantially better when I finally get a dr. visit, but never quite healing and just when things are at a peak of busy-ness, and I can’t get an appointment for 3 weeks, it comes roaring back. I plan to spend more and longer hours in physician office waiting rooms once TheWedding is over, but for now I’m dosing myself with AlegraD and Nasenex. Some days it’s more effective than others, and today is one of the other days. Feeling a little woozy, a little stomach achy and oh so tired.

Thank you all my dear dear friends for the warm e-mails and letters. They are enormously soothing. Just know that I’ll answer, with all the joyful news - especially when I have pictures - later.

So - that’s the post for today. 10 days to go.

posted by Bess | 6:47 AM