Like The Queen
Whatever happens to strike my fancy, but surely some sort of fiber content.


Bess, dear, thanks so much for continuing to take the time to share your anticipation and joy with us! I'm a'quiver with excitement for you and all of the darlings. No one deserves this joy more than you do.

Love you madly -

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:00 AM  

Thank you honey - you are a sweetie to read about it.

By Blogger Bess, at 8:59 AM  

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Saturday, January 15, 2005  

7 days and counting!

Who would believe time would actually move along until we have only one week till TheWedding? And what a week it’s going to be. Today, after a quick dash to Millers Tavern to pick up a VA. ham, I will sew all day. ALL day. When I put my head down on the pillow tonight (or tomorrow morning) that dress will be finished, pressed and hung. FINISHED or BUST.

I think I’ll put P&P on the video machine and sew away.

Yesterday Bride and I drove off to the city for what I hope is my last shopping trip. I may have to do some chauffeuring around next week but I can’t think of anything else either Bride or I have to buy for ourselves. We picked up all the gift basket items and wedding trinkets. We bought makeup. I found some ooomphy earrings, that ought to do something to punch up my beige outfit. It turns out that I will be wearing the most plain (and least expensive) outfit at the wedding. I hope I won’t look dowdy - but if I do - it’s okay. I am, after all, the Mother of the Groom - and as such, carry my own importance on my stately shoulders. I don't need to flash to stand out. And Brenda gave me a PerfectHaircut last Friday so if I ever do feel a little plain, I can just laugh and shake my head ... dahling.

The weather is turning cold this week. I wonder how we’ll manage the trek from the back rooms of the church to the front door, in all our shivery finery. Bride has a pretty little fur jacket to wear. I’m likely to be in the throes of a hot flash. The guys will all be in wool suits. But whatever does one do with the others’ coats in a tiny church vestibule? Eh. Well. We shall all manage. And what fun it is all going to be.

There are such treats in store for our guests I am almost rubbing my hands with glee. The ceremony will begin with BD playing his flute and Bride will march down the isle to Handel’s Water Music; both ways, different movements. The decorations are to be all twiggy and winter landscape-ish. The same winter forest decorations, highlighted by 10 lit evergreen trees, will spill over into the reception, which is in the church hall, but with a more casual feel and bluegrass music, provided by my sister’s all girl bluegrass band. Food to die for goes without saying when P is doing the cooking, centering around several of her own smoked delicacies. You have not tasted smoked salmon till you’ve tried hers.

HA! and you can, if you just email her at this address:

So - here’s the rest of the stuff I can think of, that I have to do:


*Finish wedding dress - 6-8 hours
*Call or have Bride call restaurant
*Monitor budget & write checks, place in envelopes
*Clean house (+laundry)
*Get refrigeration lined up - (empty Brides & my refrigerator)
*Get punch/cake/coffee ladies lined up (L,M,P,J,C)
*Make copies of Maps
*Get manicure
*Trees (consult w/BD)
*Confirm totals w/rental place
*Get car cleaned Friday (in time for rain)
*Tidy front yard
*Take down Christmas wreaths (or make into wedding wreaths w/white bows)
*Pick up Ben
*Help w/decorating (remember gloves for girls)


*Visit Chris and pick out serving pieces
*Buy ham
*Cook ham (BD’s job)
*Dress shirt to cleaners (and pick up)
*Sat. conference w/P
*Make gift baskets
*Deliver gift baskets
*Make L’s hair ornament (maybe)
*Confirm about flower girls hair
*Empty my refrigerator
*Unity candle? Do we have?


*Make calls to school principal and guest speaker
*Contact Sanderbeck
*Library Board meetings
*Clear off desk at work

Well. Best get crackin'!

posted by Bess | 6:57 AM